Ch.6 new rogue takes a walk

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(Neon above)
Aces P.O.V

The next morning I wake up confused then remembered I was in my own home. "I can't believe it, but I also already really miss Moonshine" I said quietly to myself. I get up carefully since my ribs only slightly hurt today. This is why I hate being an omega we don't heal as fast as other wolfs. I walked to the fridge and to my surprise when I opened it, it was full of food. 'Thank you sis' I thought as I pulled out cereal and milk. "Yay fruit loops!" I squealed and giggled at myself. When a made me a bowl I walked to the couch and flipped the tv on cartoons. After I finished I decided I can take a walk to get to know the area and stretch my sore muscles. I grabbed my phone,iPod with my headphones (of course) and headed out the door. Locking it behind me, I started my music on shuffle. I turned it off after a minute to listen to the sounds of nature and wind. I found the road after a few minutes since my house is down a trail I noticed a few building way down the road. I shrugged and smiled "why the hell not I'll see if they have coffee" I said out loud while putting a bit of pep in my step to the sound of coffee. About twenty minutes later I reached like a small neighborhood with a few shops, beautiful houses, and a adorable park. I stopped for a second looking up at the breath taking sky and took a deep breath. 'I really wish mom, dad , or even Luna was here to see this in person they'd love it I'm sure' I thought smiling with tears falling down my cheeks. 'Is your fault they're dead anyways worthless shit!' A voice screamed in my head. I sighed and let the tears fall harder knowing my inner voices were right it is my fault. "I could of stopped them but I didn't it's all my fault" I said out loud not realizing it. I heard a whimper and a stick break to my left causing me to snap my head up. I looked over and to the woody area next to me. What I saw look back at me weren't human eyes, they were wolf eyes. Me being a paranoid new rogue-ish wolf jogged to the coffee shop. I had to stop half way there cause I felt a strangely familiar tingle go up my spine and Finley's eagerness to follow when we imagine those eyes again. I walk down a shadowed alleyway next to two abandoned buildings. When I reached the other side I noticed it was a dead end and sighed heavily. I sat down since it wasn't that dirty here surprisingly.i pulled my knees to my chest, starting to bawl into them. I almost jumped straight out of my skin when I felt someone wrap their arms around my. " it's going to be okay Ace," his smooth but firm voice flowed gracefully and caused me goosebumps. He hugged me closer making me feel safer as I sobbed into his chest no longer able to hold my tears in. After what feels like forever but was only ten minutes I stop crying and looked up at him. "K-Kayde what are you doing h-here?" I questioned between sniffles. He cupped my chin with his fingers wiping away my stray tears. "I was doing patrols on my section of the woods when I stumbled across your sent to a little cabin. I followed it thinking you were hurt I seen you crying but you ran so I followed wanting to help you" he bumbled out blushing but smiling confidently. " why are you all alone out here anyways Ace? You're a bit far from your land and you smell like a new rogue" He asked making me look down. I but my lip softly " Moonshine helped me leave that terrible house and pack" I whispered just barely audible and let a few tears slip down my reddened cheeks." Why Ace? What Did they do to you that would make you leave your home?" He asked in a tinder but sad tone, holding my hands with care. "Let's go and get coffee so you can calm down enough to tell me what happened please" he pled. I nodded as he helped me stand while I wiped my face. Blushing at the tingles I feel as we do so,we held hands while walking down the alley. Right before we walked out to the open he kissed my cheek softly making all the blood come to my face making me look like an apple. "You're to cute" he said and pulled me, who was all to blush, behind him.

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