Ch.3 bullies and broken parts

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(Kayde above)
Ace's P.O.V.*
When I enter the hall I looked down at the ground when i walked to my locker. I squeezed my eyes closed when i felt someone punch me in my already bruised arm. I instantly regret taking my headphones and looking up to see who it was that hit me. I seen it was Red from the Redstarr pack not to far away from my pack. He smirked at the way i flinched when he stepped closer to me. "Hey ol pal how was your weekend? I see you cut again" he said laughing and pointing to my now slightly red hoodie sleeve. Him and his minions or friends started laughing more now that i was trying to stop the bleeding. I just turned away from them when i noticed i was at my locker already and started to put unneeded books in my locker and picking up my math and science book and put them in my bag. Just as i was about to leave Red gripped my shoulder tightly making me wince and look up at him. "Why you ignoring me Faggot!" he growled in my face making me whimper at the tone of his voice. I don't understand why he calls me a faggot when he is the one who came up to me last back in eighth grade and asked me out on several occasions after i told him no the first time. I whimpered loudly when he punched me in the stomach causing me to fall to my knees. I gripped my stomach when I felt one of them kick me in the face chest repeatedly. I started to cough up blood while crying slightly, my body becoming more numb the more they beat me. After twenty minutes of no one helping or stopping them someone yelled "leave him alone Red! NOW!" in an Alpha tone causing everyone around me to whimper. Red stepped away when i started to cough up more blood. I felt someone touch my back making me whimper and scoot away afraid i'll get hurt worse making more pain to course through my body. " don't move okay, i'm going to get a nurse stay still" a man said softly. When i opened one eye to look up at him i seen a man like looked 17 with his emo black flippy like hair with rainbow highlights. But his muscle definition shows he's older then i am but not by much.was he the one who scared Red so much it made him whimper. He's not that much bigger than me i thought as i he ran down the hall to the nurses station. I seen a larger man, not to large but obviously an Alpha, yelling at Red with fury in his eye yelling at Red but i couldn't make out the words as i noticed black spots clouding my vision. I passed out on the floor starting to feel cold when someone lifted me up. Just as i closed my eyes passing out felt sparks fly over my back.
•2 hours later•
I woke up with a deep stabbing pain in my sides making me groan and open my eyes. I heard the muffled voices outside the room stop and someone opened the door. "Ace?" I heard Moonshine call obviously upset so I sat up to look at her ignoring the protest my sides are screaming at me. I looked up and seen two other men with Moonshine, one shorter than the other that I noticed was the person who got the nurse. The other man made my stomach swirl with his detailed tattoos that covered his body, his gauges about as big as mine, and don't get me started on those skinny jeans he's wearing. He stepped closer to me making the butterflies I feel flutter faster making me want to puke in a good way, if that makes since. Moonshine sat down on a chair beside me "where am I Moon?" I asked as I started to remember why he was hurting. She rested her hand on mine "you're in the hospital Ace, Red broke two of your ribs and your right arm but your since your wolf doesn't help you heal fast like ours I had them take you here" she said softly like a mom would to a child. In a way I see my big sister like a mom because mom and dad died when I was real young I can't even remember their faces but that's a story for another time. "They also bandaged your cuts on your left arm cause they opened when you fell on them" the taller, delicious smelling, man spoke out softly. He looks like he's fixing to cry making his voice break slightly when he talked. He took a deep breath composing himself since I noticed he was an alpha and he almost cried I put my head down in a submissive way. "I'm Kayde the Alpha of Redstarr pack and this is my little brother and Beta Neon" he said softly making me raise my head softly to look up into his eyes. "Thank you guys so much for helping my baby brother" moonshine said smiling sadly as I hung my head and brought my arm close to my stomach. "It's no problem Moonshine I was looking for Red when I saw him hurting this poor boy on the ground for no reason and trust me his actions will not go unpunished" Neon said with a kinda scary look and a weird tone of voice. Kayde turned to me as he put a hand on Neons shoulder "sorry but I was just notified we have a critical and mandatory meeting to go to right now, till next time Ace," he paused as Neon smiled and grabs his hand "wish you guys well." They both sped away down the hall, well Kayde did Neon skipped, no joke literally skipped down the hall. Moon looked lost in thought so I tapped her shoulder " what are you thinking about sis?" She looked up and kinda smiled "Kayde got quieter when he came in and saw you than he did out side with the Doctor, don't forget the blush he had when you talked" she said smiling wider. I shook my head in disbelief at my older sisters nonsense "yea I doubt he blushed at me" I mumbled laying back down. I noticed how much pain I was in and that Vincent wasn't talking to me which ment he feels all this unbearable pain I'm in. Moonshine wiped the tears off my cheeks I didn't notice and started to sing 'Hold On Till May by Pierce The Veil'.
I laid back on the pillows and covered up while slowly falling asleep with Moons soft voice I'm so happy I have my big sister I don't think I would be very far with out her.

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