ch19 their mates?

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*Aces P.O.V*

We're back at our house, Ty and Kayde banned me to the couch because the fumes of the paints. I don't mind I've been up to long anyway, my feet at killing me! I groan in my head but apparently I did it out loud which made Kayde laugh "why don't you call Moonshine Little one?" He suggested while sitting next to me. His hands over my bump making me smile "oh I can call her she and Ty haven't met either and I can tell her about the twins!" I smiled like a mad man and kissed him softly. I went to go up the stairs but Kayde wasn't having it "you stay here I'll go get your phone from the bedroom." I whined and mumbled but still sat there. When Kayde came back he had to help Ty with the nursery, we got yellow and a soft pink to do the girls side and green with  blue for the boys side with purple carpet and dark brownish red furniture. I called moonshine telling her i had something important to tell her. she was here in less then ten minutes "so what happened?" Was the first thing she said as she let her self in. I laugh "we're having a little boy and a little girl. I'm so excited!" She shrieked and clap making the boys run in quickly "What happened!?" They both yelled in an worried alpha like voice making Moonshine stand stright up and me to shrink. Kayde sighed seeing I wasn't dying but came over to pull me out of a ball I was in. We both look up hearingTyler and Moonshine whisper mate while staring each other down. " Ty we're done for today you and Moonshine can talk in the guest room at the end of the hall." Kayde and I snickered at  Moonshine with a pep in her step. She grabs his hand and practically ran up the stairs. "Leave the door open!"I yell at moonshine and get a  screw you in a response making me laugh hard. I laid back with Kayde laying between my open legs with his head next to my belly like a protective puppy. I smiling running my hands through his hair and feeling his hand rub over side of my tummy. "Your sents are changing" he mumbled as he borrowed his nose in my thigh. "How did it change? Like what do I smell like? Is it bad?" I smelled my arm pit. "You use to smell like Jasmine with honey and now it's like chocolate with blueberries and cherries.The blueberries and cherries are faint so that must be the pups" he said kissing me softly. "You smell amazing and oh so irresistible" He kissed me deeply as we heard awes from the end of the couch. Looking up I see TyTy and Moonshine looking at us with bright smiles. "You guys are just to freaking cute" Ty said in a mock girls voice making me and Kayde to laugh and Moon roll her eyes playfully. "I have to go guys Alpha needs me on patrol right now. I'll be back this week I have stuff for you all." Moonshine  hugged me and kissed my cheekthen kissed Ty on the lips making me and Kayde mock their awes causing them both to blush. Once she left Kayde stood up "you should go shower  while me and Tyler start lunch." I stood up off the couch stretching and feeling the babies kick. "it's Tyler and I babe " I said knowing it makes him pout when I correct his grammar. He puffes his cheeks and closes his mouth tight. I smile mischievously and his turned his head side ways like a puppy smacked the air out his cheeks like a kid making me and Ty laugh way to hard for normal adults. "Looks like we already have two kids in the house" he mumbled walking to the kitchen pouting."that's rude no sexy time tonight for being a meany butt" I said making him turn around with wide eye at me. "Ooh that's gotta hurt" Ty said chuckling at Kayde when he walked by. I walked to our bathroom and started the shower. When I got out Kayde was in the room on the bed with his eyes closed. Walked to the dresser and pulled out my boxers deciding it's not cold enough for anything else. I crawled In next to Kayde making his eyes open "I thought you and Tyler where going to cook?" I asked smiling while kissing his cheek. He chuckled "yea about that, Tyler burnt the food so we're ordering pizza " he entwined our fingers and kiss my knuckles. Laid on my back as his fingers traced over my chest, kissing it ever now and then. I smile as I ran my fingers through his soft hair, like for real I can't keep my hands from his hair."I couldn't ask for some one sweeter then you Ace or someone braver nor smarter then you are" he said kissing me deeply. I love the way he said these thing with honesty in his voice but I know what he's doing. "I can say the same for you baby" I said with a hint of seductive tone in my voice making him grin and smelling his arousal from that one sentence. "But like I said no sexy time cause you've be bad" I said nipping his ear softly. He whines and cuddles close "but baby that's not fair you can't let me suffer like this" he said as he kisses my jaw and neck finding my soft spot. I moaned as he sucks right above  collarbone and grinding his lower half against my thigh careful of my belly. I moaned louder gripping his hair softly "fine y-you win" I said making him growl in success and kiss me deeply "undress. Now" I said staring up at his eyes making him shiver and jump as he did so. I watch as it took him three seconds to undress and lock the door. And the rest of the night was spent with lust, love, and sweaty bodies.

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