ch 15. suspensions

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*Kaydes P.O.V*

°2weeks later°

We were at the Aces' house since he missed his bed, or so he says.I know it's cause of all the attention he gets at the pack house for being the Luna. I just woke up to the sound of puking and Ace not in the bed. I ran to the bathroom to see him doubled over the toilet. I bent down next to him holding his  hair and rubbing his back. He's been puking the past few days as soon as he wakes up, but he says he'll be better by late afternoon. Once he's done I help him stand "I'm sorry for waking you up like this again baby." he had tears flowing down his cheeks. He's been really emotional lately but that might be because he's sick. "Don't worry about that little one, now lets get in the shower I'm taking you to the doctor today" I said kissing his head. He striped and stepped into the shower. He knows that arguing isn't going to help cause I'm to stubborn and worried wheb its about his health, plus I have an suspicious feeling why he's sick. I block these thoughts so Ace doesn't get worried. I walked to the dresser pulling him out a pair of clothes to wear and started changing in to a pair I brought with me. All his clothes are to small for my legs and arms . He came out with a towel on his head and his waist. "mmm I can never get use to that sight" I said seeing him naked with water falling from his hair onto his chest. He blushed and grabbed the clothes I handed him. "Well don't be staring to hard or little Kayde Jr going to bust your zipper" he said giggling and closing the bathroom door. Rolling ny eyes, I grabbed my phone heading downstairs to call the pack doctor. "Hello?" Dr Cain answered quickly.
"Yes Dr Cain it's Alpha Kayde. Are you available right now? "I asked leaning against the counter in the kitchen. "Yes what's the problem Alpha?" He sounded a little worried. I never call or visit unless it's urgent."Nothing to bad my mate's been throwing up pretty bad but never had any fevers, cold sweats, or anything like that. Just a little stomach pains like cramps." I said chewing on my lip at the thought of my little one in pain every morning. "Well just come down Alpha and I'll check him out right away." We exchanged thanks before we hung up. I jumped slightly when I feel arms wrap around me "boo" I hear Ace. I chuckle as he giggled softly. "I got you finally " he said happily kissing my cheek. Hes been trying to hard to scare me but his heart beats to fast. I held him close kissing his forhead. "Are you ready? I'm takeing you to my pack doctor." He nodded a little bit. " He's very good at his job trust me." I said  to reassure him when he seemed nervous about it . I held his hand as we headed to his mini Cooper.  He refuses to ride in my truck because it makes him feel small when he's in it. His words not mine I think he looks sexy in a truck like mine. I drive him to the pack house listening to faint music from the local radio. He looks deep in thought but he blocked them so I can't tell what he's thinking. He's been getting better at that it seems. I started hearing a faint little heart beat while driving. I looked at Ace but he didn't seem to hear it. I passed it as maybe a deer or rabbit near by. When we arrived Dr Cain smiled seeing us. "Hello there Alpha, Luna good morning ." Ace blush feeling awkward. Hes still not use to the name just yet.  I smile shaming Cain' s hand. "Good morning to you too Dr Cain." He took us to a bed for Ace to sit on . "Well you said he's been getting sick, right? When does this normally happen again?" He asked sticking the stethoscope to his chest carrfully."Well normally only in the morning but after about 3:00 he feels fine a few random cramps but fine."Dr Cain looked thoughtful for a second. He squints and ears twitch. I see he's thinking what I've been thinking. "Can you please lay down for me Ace?"he asked putting a stethoscope to his belly with a little shock. The doctor came back with a baby monitor wand  "this will be a little cold  okay " he said pulling aces shirt up a little and rubbed the jelly on his stomach. Dr Cain places the wand over it looking for a few minute. I get slightly excited and Ace got more  nervous visibly. I held his hand to calm him down.  Dr Cain turned to us " I know this is a bit personal but it's important to ask, have you to been useing protection when mating?" He asked with such a straight face it made both of us blush. I thought hard but I don't remember useing condoms. I shook my head "no we haven't I didn't think we needed to since we're both guys" I said suddenly getting nervous suddenly remembering that all, even previous, omegas can get pregnant.  Ace grabbed my hand squeezing it tightly "well take a look here on the monitor right here." He points to a little object for us to see a white blob. "w-what is that Dr Cain?" Ace finally speaks up but you could tell he's nervous of the answer to. "That my good sirs is your new baby." He turns to us as Aces jaw hit the floor. "R-Really?" I asked with a small smile as he nodded. After he cleaned Aces belly and handed us the pictures. We headed down the hall . Ace has been quiet while processing what just happened.  "Can you believe it Kayde? We're going to be dads! I have to tell moonshine! Shes going be happy to be an aunt!" He said practically buzzing in his seat. I didn't think he would be this happy because he just turned 19 and already having a baby . I laugh while grabbing  his hand "I can't wait, our little pups going to have the best dad's ever." I said kissing him deeply. Once back at the car we started driving home. Ace stared out the window with the biggest smile i've ever seen him have. If he didn't have ears it would wrap his whole head. He laughed reading my thoughts. "I love you baby I'm glad you didn't reject us like I thought you would." He looked over to me with tears brimming his eyes and hand over his stomach."I wouldn't ever, never reject you or the baby. If I'm man enough to put a baby in there then I'll be man enough to stick around and love the baby to see how they turn out in life." I kissed his knuckles softly flashing him a smile. "I'm so happy to hear that" he mumbled with a goofy smile on his face. I'm going to keep my promise no matter what happens between us I'll always stay for him and this beautiful baby to protect them. Forever.

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