Ch.5 Finally A Place To Call Home

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*Aces P.O.V*
Once we pulled into the pack house Moonshine gave a small smile "no one's
here Alpha is in a meeting and everyone else is either on patrol or in school." I nodded and she helped me inside to pack my things. Once in the basement I grabbed two duffel bags in the makeshift closet. I handed one to Moonshine who started to pack the thing in the bathroom of mine away. As I was putting my new blankets and sheets in the bag she handed me a stack of money. I looked at her confused at how she got this much "it's $3000, I have a place for you to stay the next few towns over in the woods. My friend said she'll let you stay in it rent free she never goes out there cause she lives in America." My jaw dropped and started to tear up so I hugged her carefully. Vincent whimpered at the thought of losing touch with our sisters,our last piece of family we have left . She pulled away moments later and smiled "come one thank me later we have packing to do" she said as she grabbed my pillows packing them away. I nodded and wiped my tears eyes knowing we have to hurry before Mark got home. We put everything in the car and started to drive away from the pack house. I sighed while listening to 'King For A Day by PTV and Kellin Quinn' feeling the bond of the pack break as we pulled up. It was beautiful, I finally have a place to call mine wow. "I can't stay long or my bond will break but I love you so much Ace,my little brother, I'll be back soon so here's the key enjoy peace and rest" she said smiling brightly in the sun. I smiled back and hugged her "I love you to Sissy don't become a stranger you know I get scared and be careful." She laughed and kissed my forehead like mom making me smile. She stayed my by the car as I walked inside with my two bags. It was warm but I was tired so I put my bags on the ground and collapsed on the comfy couch. I sighed and turned the tv on "finally somewhere to call a home" I whispered to myself falling asleep right then.

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