ch.21uncle kaybe

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*Kaydes P.O.V*

"Kayde!" Ace yelled from the bedroom. I can tell he's upset cause I can feel it and hear how sad he is from his voice. I run up the stairs to the bedroom worried that he fell or something . When I opened the door he was naked but he had tears running down his cheeks. "What happened baby? why aren't you dressed?" I questioned as I  wipe his tears away. "M-My pants don't fit I'm to b-big for them. I'm fat!" he said sobbing into my shoulder. I rubbed his back gently "how about you wear my joggers and a hoodie and we go buy you clothes. Is that okay?" I suggested as I pulled him into my lap when I sat down. He looked up at me "but we're going in a date in an hour we can't not go" he looks up with puppy like eyes. I chuckled softly "we can go out later tonight. I know you don't like to go out when it's crowded anyways baby" I kissed his pretty pink lips. He nodded and he stood up giving me full view of everything. He turned away with a blush "stop starring I know I'm as fat as a whale" he whined making me frown. I walked up behind him hugging him close to my chest "your not fat in anyway baby your pregnant there's a difference." I said kissing his shoulders and over his mark making him shiver at the touch. He shook his head with no argument as he pulled his boxers and joggers on, much to mine and Victors displeasure. I let out a whine not getting to cuddle in the bed. This makes him snicker "come on let's go shopping." I can feel Victor take over as my canines came out. I pulled him close as he pulled away "you smell so sweet mate" Victor said with a deeper voice then my own. "So do you Victor, like the best chocolate ever made" Ace whispered as he pulled away making him whine. "But we have to go if you even want a date tonight" he said with a wink as he grabbed my hoodie and walked out. "Damn he's one hell of a mate" Victor said as he gave me back me body. "Yea he is and those pups will be the best kids in the world with his as the father." I said as I grabbed my other jacket and headed to the truck where Ace was. "Bye Ty don't trash the place this time" I said teasing him as I left to help Ace in. "Do we have to ride in it, I look like a girl in this truck compared to you" he whined as I hopped into my side. "your a pretty girl though" I said kissing his cheek and started the Truck.  I smiled since I haven't drove this in a while but Ace is getting his car "fixed" I'm having people put in neon lights under it that are rainbow colored since he wanted those since he got the car. "Want to listen to something babe?" I asked as he nodded and smiled when I handed him the aux cord. He started playing green day as we drove to the mall. I had to help him out the Truck since it's to far off on the ground and I don't want him hurt. "I'm gonna need  sweat pants and joggers cause I'm huge" he said as I held his hand and his other holding his belly. "You can buy as much as you need baby I don't care" I said as i pushed him up against the Truck and kissed him deeply. I only pulled away when I heard awes from girls in our pack walking bye. Ace blushed as he took my hand and started pulling us inside.
°An hour later°
We got more then pants we got him some new shirts and cute plugs for his ears and the most adorable baby outfits. One was a little black onesie  with a hoodie they had wolf ears and a tail. The other was the same but white and Ace squealed so loud he put most girls to shame. Once we were done he was hungry so we headed for the food court. "Mmm I want some chick-fil-a babe" he said basically drooling while talking about food. I don't blame him I haven't ate all day and there's so many good foods here. I held his hand tight as we walked to the chick-fil-a line. A few people glared but most awed and waved. Once we got our food we sat at a fairly empty table when Kyle came from nowhere with a slightly taller boy."oh hey Kyle long time no see" Ace said as Kyle stared at his belly. "Yea its been a month or so how's the kids?" He asked forgetting about the boy who seemed to try to hide behind him. "Their doing great but who's the boy here?" Ace peered at him as Kyle beamed at the question. "The boy I've been telling you about his names Johnnie, Johnnie this is Ace and Kayde my friends" Johnnie gave a small wave to which I smiled and waved back. "nice to put a name to the faces of the boy my boyfriends been talking about" Johnnie said as he said next to me but not with out glancing a few times. Then it hit me, he's my friends son "your Jonathan's son, you were a wild kid when you were little" I said making him chuckle "yea I knew I recognized you, your Alpha Kayde from Redstarr pack" he said smiling and blushing slightly.  " how's the family, I haven't spoke to your pack since that rouge attack a couple years back" I said while taking a sip of my drink. "Well moms getting sick because she's getting older, since she's human and all, but dads been busy with little daisy because her 3rd birthdays next week. That why were here to get her a present" he said smiling a little but you can tell he's still sad inside. "Does your dad make time for you any more Johnnie?" I asked looking him in the eye. He shook his head as tear weld up in his eyes. I wrapped my arm over his shoulder pulling him closer and rubbed his back. "Hey we'll be right back just heading to the bathroom" I said as Johnnie headed that way as soon as the words left my mouth. Ace nodded as kissed me softly before continuing their conversation. Once at the bathroom I can see him crying so I pulled him into a hug rubbing his back like I do Ace when he's upset. "What happened?" I asked as I pushed his hair from his face and made him look at me in the eyes ."he found out I was mated to Kyle and thought it was gross and said I was sick for not thinking it's terrible, I couldn't just reject Kyle was my best friends that ended up my mate. Kyle knew I was gay so when i told him He was my mate he didn't even leave me he stayed and said he'll always be there but when dad found out he just shut me out and made every time he had with daisy and mom. Moms upset cause Dad won't even glance at me anymore and she can't do anything to stop him from acting like that." He said as sobbed into my shoulder I gritted my teeth and I held him protectively to my chest. "Don't pay attention to him Johnnie you have Kyle and that's all you need. And Daisy, be the best big brother for Daisy cause she'll need someone to tell all her secrets to one day and need someone to protect her from bad people and monsters"I said as he chuckled remembering him running up to me in the middle of a meeting with his dad to check under his bed for big bad monsters. "I will uncle Kayde, I will" he said hugging me closer. I smiled at the name as I pulled his head up and wiped his tears "now dry your eyes dear tears never look pretty on a face as beautiful as yours" he giggled wiping his cheeks with his sleeves. "be careful uncle Kayde your gays showing" he said making me laugh as we walked out only to look down at him with a curious question burning my brain. "so you marked Kyle?" I asked making him blush the darkest I've ever seen. He just nodded making me awe"you have to tell me later I have to know all the details." We Sat down while Ace and Kyle were still laughing . "Babe your gays showing watchout" Ace said making me frown when he said it.  "You guys love to pick on me don't you" I said playfully pouting. "I told you be careful uncle Kayde " Johnnie said as he looked down at his phone with a smile but sad eyes. "Anyways we have to go mom needs me home, text me later Uncle Kayde" he said hugging me and handing me his number. "Well that's a nice visit from family " Ace said as he ate the last if his fry and I ate my burger. "Well  not really by blood. I was friends with his dad and hung out a lot and was there during his birth, which was disturbing in everyway" I said shivering making Ace giggle. "He's having trouble with his dad because he's mated to a boy but I'll talk some since into the asshole" I said through gritted teeth thinking about Jonathan being that way to his only son. Ace nodded and stood up when I  finished "lets head home so I can get a nap before our date" he said yawning making me bit my lip. "Yea let's go beautiful " I said kissing him softly and heard a man at the next table grumble something about 'fucking fags'.Ace just flicked him off and strutted away like the sassy bitch he is,which was sexy. I smirked at how amazing my boyfriend and mate truly is. Once we got home we put the clothes away and stripped to our boxers and climbed into bed "I hope our little pups don't have to go through anything irrational because they have two dads" Ace said as he snuggled his back to my chest. "If me and Victor have anything to do with this, and we do, no ones going to hurt your pups in anyway" I said as he held my hand tightly. "Our pups baby, our pups. " Wrapping my arms around him carefully "yes our pups " I whispered with a proud smile as I buried my face in his neck and fell asleep to the sounds of his soft and steady breaths.

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