ch.23 it's time!..why Now?

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I woke up with pains In my stomach. I started crying as they got worse much quicker. I shake Kayde awake " Baby can you draw me a bath I'm having cramps again." He yawned and got up but when we got to the bathroom I felt another sharp pain then it feels like I peed. My eyes open wide when I notice it's not pee "Kayde my water just broke!" He rushed in the room almost breaking the door. "What? Really? For real!?" I throw the blanket off of me and see a big wet spot in the bed. Everyone came in worried "I need to go Dr Cain their comimg!" I scream in pain at the contractions. Kayde gets dressed quickly as Tyler helps me to the backseat of the truck. Moonshine in the back with me and Kayde drive all four of us to the pack doctor. I pant and scream feeling the contraction get closer and closer together. When we arrive all the nurses and Dr Cain were ready for us. "Come on Luna it's okay were all ready. Breath." When we get to the delivery room Kayde is holding my hand as I gripped it stronger then I ever have. "Ughhh it hurts!" I start pushing when I'm able to breath. "Baby number one is crowing. Come one you can do it!" I pushed one more time and i feel the baby come out. The room waas silent till you hear the baby cry " it's a boy!" I smiled feeling the sweat pour but then another pain came. I pushed more and heard the baby cry "It's a girl! Congratulations alpha and Luna both healthy babies." I smiled as they hand us our babies. " What are you guys going to names them?" The nurse asks. " Harley for the girl. And Grayson for the boy." I say handing Harley to Kayde "oh my goodness their so beautiful. Baby you did such a good job." Kayde cried with a smile as Harley smile back. I look at Grayson and kiss his little forehead "I love you my baby boy. You to my baby girl." The nurse came back to do some test of the baby with wright and other stuff because they said one of them might have future developments like mental issues that we discussed . Kayde went with her as I laid back to rest. I closed my eyes smiling thinking thank you for those beautiful children of mine even if they do have something like that I'll still love them.
*one hour later*
I wake up and see everyone. Kayde was with Greyson in his arms and Harley in her bed thing. "Hey " I rasped as I sit up carefully. "Hey your awake. You were a trooper" I hear moon shine say as she hugs me. She picks up Harley and Kayde comes over with Greyson. They put them both in my arms and I tear up "their so beautiful. Greyson looks just like you with his nose and cheeks." I kissed his head and awed when Harley yawned. She opened her eyes and it was the cutest damn thing. One of Harley eyes are blue and the other is brown. She also had a tuff of white hair on her hair line. "Shes very special baby. Greyson loves to hug her too" Neon says while sitting on the bed. I smiled at the babies. "Neon you want to hold Grey?" he looked scared for a second but then nodded. When he sat up I handed him Greyson who has trying to grab at his fingers. A nurse walks in "ah your awake now Luna. Now that your up I need to show you and alpha how to feed the babies through a bottle since you both are males." I smiled as Kayde took Harley and took Greyson.

*later at home*

I was released home with my babies since they were healthy and I healed very quick. We put them in their cribs and me and Kayde went to the living room. We sat on the couch cuddling "im proud of you Ace. Your really strong and you made two more beautiful, strong lives as well." I looked up at his pretty eyes " no Kayde we made those lives together.Now we can raise them to be even stronger." He kissed me softly on the forehead then again on the lips. we shared i love you's when someone knocked on the door. I opened the door and it was Neon and another warrior wolf Reagan. " I Know this is a bad time for you both but Aces old pack is attacking out pack. They heard of Ace escaping and having twins and moon ran away to be with ty. " Neon was in attack mood. Kayde growled and kissed Ace " im sorry Ace ill be back though i promise. " i tear up but nod letting him out the door. I told Moonshine that the pack was attacking and she ran over. We waited and I got scared "Moonshine please watch the babies I have to fine Kayde." I wipes my stray tears away from my chin. She nodded and kisses my cheek "be careful little brother I love you." As soon as I hit the dirt i let Vincent take full form. We followed the faint sent of our mate till it stopped around a hill . Damn me for being an omega my sent tracking not worth shit! Me or Vince didn't know what to do so he whimpered. He closed his eyes and we tried to find his voice but he was to get away. 'Ace help me get the energy to howl so He'll hear me.' I took a deep breath and gathered all my energy and channeled it to Vincent. He sucked in a big breath and let out the loudest howl ice ever heard. He fell silent till we heard severl howls back but Victors being the loudest heard. Victor ran as fast as we could to the sound ' I can hear him but he sounds funny' I agreed and when we got closer I see alpha Mark nipping at Kaydes throat. Vince growled then started pawing at the soil. I charged at him kicking him to the ground. I felt a new form of energy grow that I never felt as an omega. I stand in front of Kayde as he limps while standing up. Mark stands and his eyes widen seeing me here. I bare me teeth and snarled. Vince let out a loud growl from the depths of his chest making everyone stop. "Get up and take yourself and these use less mutts with you Mark!" I gave Vince our human form but his voice. Mark did the same "ah I see you've gone and ran away to have pups for what? Are you trying to prove something? You think that Your strong now Ace? Well let me tell you something, no one thinks your strong Ace your just some pathetic Omega!" I laughed and Kayde touched my back " Ace I can handle this. Don't hurt yourself."I cracked my neck and knuckles "Thank you for the pep tall babe but this is some business I need to finish. You and the other take care of the others" He smirked and kissed my cheek. I walked up to Mark where he stood smirking thinking he had the upper hand. I growled and he went to lunge at me and I dodged his fist. I twisted it and threw him back and quickly changed to my wolf form. "Mark I am sick with your mouth; with you abuse you thought you will get away with." He laughed still in human form " And exactly what are you going to do about it punney mutt." I snapped at his arm slamming him in the dirt. When be tried to get back up I pinned him with my paws " Mark your a low life scum of the earth. Non of your pack members deserve a bitch of a leader like you. It's time you join Hades in the lowest ring of hell." I smirked as I snapped around his throat. He clawed at my belly and as I whimpered he excaped. He was bleeding more then I was but still stood up  'I'm not losing to a sorry ass like you' Vince muttered as we charged.  When stood half way up Kayde latched to his back giving me time to heal. When I felt better Kayde whined and was out on the ground. I pounced on Mark taking him by surprise. "sayonara stupid son of a bitch" I say as I pull his throat out. I spit it out and transform into human form. I walk to Kayde he was in wolf for still but out cold. I patted his face "baby wake up come one. We're okay now it's over." He rolls over and opens his eyes "Good job Ace. I'm proud of you." I smiled and lift him up when he transforms. As I hold him I look around seeing dead bodies of my old pack and a mix of sad and relief fall over me. I look up in the sky and howl letting others know it was over. Kayde joined me with the last of his energy "let's go get you fixed up baby, we have kids to get home to." We started walking away to the pack house with Kayde passed out in my arms.

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