Ch.12 Me? A Luna?

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Note: slightly graphic

*Aces P.O.V*

I can't believe I got a mate, a mate that's so amazing and funny. To be completely honest I never thought I would have a mate. Now that I have a mate I don't want to ever lose him ever. " Ace do you have a bag?" Kayde asked pulling me from my thoughts. I gave him a confused look since I thought we would take my car.  "Yes I do in my car but why would we need the bag?" He smirked and looked at Neon. "Well since my pack house isn't that far from here" he said pulling his shirt from his back. My eyes widened seeing were he was going with this. " I think we should run wolf form there it wouldn't take so long either. Now go grab your bag real quick. "He kissed my red cheeks as I walked passed him to the car. But I just got dressed. Ugh the things I would do for this wonderment in just met. When I came back from around the car both boys were naked and casually chatting. "H-Heres the bag guys" I stuttered while trying not to stare at Kaydes V line, or well what's below it. Stop thinking about it or your soldier will march up my wolf Vincent said snickering. "Take a picture babe it last longer" Kaydes says making Neon double over laughing. I rolled my eyes and blushed "turn around so I can get undressed" I said with my arms crossed. Kaydes smirked shaking his head "nope not a chance sweet heart so hurry up and let's go." I mumbled little things as I got undressed. When I pulled my short off and put them in the bag I heard two whistles "damn Ace your leaving no room for imagination for us with those tight ads briefs on" Neon said as Kaydes nodded and smacked my butt. I blushed and laughed a bit. I slid them off making Kaydes bit his lip. I placed my clothes in the bag after hearing the familiar bone cracking noises of wolf shifting. When I looked up and saw the two Hugh wolves my jaw dropped. One had black fur with slight blueish tent it it ,Kayde, and and slightly smaller wolf that was black with a grayish almost green tent to him,Neon. I was much smaller then them, they are the size of a mini can I was the Size of a almost normal wolf just a bit taller and stronger. That was because I'm a omega and their the Alpha and Beta. After petting both Neon and Kaydes wolves I shifter to mine. Vincent shook his fur out since its been a while since we shifted. I looked up and seen both wolves stare wide eyed at us. Vince walked up to Kaydes wolf and rubbed his snout and head to his chest as to hug him. His name is Victor and the other is Finley how cute are they. Vincent said in out own private head connection. Finley barked letting as know to start heading to their house. As we ran Victor would nudge us slightly sending shocks through my body. We were half way there when Finley tripped over a large fallen tree I ran as he had to shift back. He held his shoulder which was obviously popped out of place. I shifted and sat beside him. Victor whimpered and licked Neon's back. I see that he couldn't heal till after he pops the bone in place. "Calm down Neon, breath in, breath out, some way some how" I sang slowly getting him to sing the same song. As he was distracted I did the only thing I knew would work. I pushed against his arm hard and heard the bone pop into place again. He groaned but smiled sheepishly. " you'll be okay now Neon but you'll have to ride on Victor or your Wolf won't be able to run as fast." He nodded and pulled his clothes on that I handed to him. "Thank you I didn't know you could do that as gentle of you did" I smiled and blushed. " your welcome I've had to do it a lot to my old pack after training" I hugged him and felt Kayde hug me. We turned away so Neon can get dressed when Kayde started talking. "This is why you would be such an amazing Luna for our pack and why your so damn amazing baby" he said kissing my cheeks. "No one in our pack knows really well how to fix something like that." I froze and stared up at him Me a Luna? I doubt ill ever be useful this time was just dumb luck. I would duck up the whole pack I thought before Neon came back over holding his arm up. " I'm ready guys" he said as he hopped on Victors back and I shifted. We headed to their house me still scared out of my mind. Once we got there. We stopped just outside of a Three story pack house were I was tackled by two wolves to the ground. "Alix! Raven! Back off!" Kayde yelled in an Alpha tone causing both of them to jump off me. I shifted and got dressed holding a bleeding cut on my forehead from a rock on the ground. "Did you bring a rouge home for us to teach him again?" The taller of the two asked. They look like twins just ones taller then the other. "No Raven I brought him here because he's my Mate! Now if you don't mind calm down your scaring him. I forgot to tell everyone before we came here because Neon was hurt" Kayde said in a calmer but still stern voice. Raven and the other who I assume is Alix both stepped closer making me hide loser to Kayde." Your mate huh? I would of thought the alphas mate would be bigger and taller" Alix said poking at my thin arms. "Well at least you have good taste in music pointing to my shirt. I blushed and nodded "t-thanks" was all I could get out from being so scared of them. " oh sorry for not introducing our selves I'm Alix, this is my twin and one of my mates Raven" he said as Raven held him from behind. I smiled back slightly, he seems nicer then his brother that's good at least. I felt Kaydes arm around my waist making me blush " let's go in Neon already had assistance inside" Kayde said squeezing my hip reassuringly.  When he showed me around the house we ran into Red "well isn't it nice to see you again" he laughed at my shocked face. I whimpered looking away " Red I swear if you don't leave my Mate alone you'll be praying to the gods I don't rip your head off and feed it to the rogues" Vincent appeared and growled out protectivly. Red backed away leaving " let's head to the room for a while." Kayde huffed and held my hand. I hope everyone else here likes me or I'll be one shitty Luna for them. I just want to be on good terms with them and start fresh with these people.

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