ch.17 no place I would be

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*Aces P.O.V*

I woke up with a large wave a nausea hitting me. "Babe let me go" I said quickly to Kayde who was holding me. Thankfully he lifted his hands just in time for me to run to the trash can. I felt Kayde walk up next to me holding my hair while rubbing soothing circles on my back. I cried hard as I sat on the floor. "Here little one" Kayde handed me a cold glass of water so that I can rinse my mouth out. He wiped the tears the from my cheeks and sat down beside me. I look at him, frowning "thank you babe. I'm sorry you have to see me like this I know it's gross." I set the glass down to wrap my arms around his neck. "Don't be sorry little one your still beautiful to me and always will be." He kisses my cheek before we get up off of the floor. I started to feel really hungry after all that so I look to see what time it was
11:30. I go down stairs to the kitchen to see what food we have.
"Babe what do you want for lunch!" I yell to Kayde forgetting we had the mind connection. I opened the fridge to see what we have when I heard him coming down the stairs "how about we go out, my treat." He looked really excited to go out. I went to tell him no that I can cook but when I turned around to see him with only his gym shorts on I couldn't. "You know you hold a good point but I do need a shower first." . When I walked passed him I  kissed him deeply,  pulling our bodies closer. I ran my hands over his chest down his abs to near his v-line when I slid my hands around to his butt squeezing slightly. He smiled as he went to touch mine too but I pulled away. "I have to get cleaned" he huffed pouting because he didn't want me to go. I grab my shirt from the my dresser and tried to find a pair of pants. Kayde came from no where and popped me on the butt with a shirt causing me to growl playfully. I look back and stick my tongue out at him. He darted from the room and I heard him get in the shower before me. I grabbed a pair of comfy, grey ripped skinny jeans to go with my black hoodie and plain white shirt. I go to the bathroom and set my clothes on the sink. Kayde is still in the shower so I start undressing coming in next to him. He smiled but didn't make things very sexual. He put shampoo in my hair and scrubbed it. "Kayde," I whined a little, "I'm 19 I can bathe myself." He laughed and continued to scrub. " I know but I want to help." After he was done I scrubbed my body and he scrubbed his. He kissed the scars on my back when we got out. I blushed and grabbed a towel for the both if us. When I  put on my jeans then looked in the mirror  at all the scars and marks across my body where very visible. I bit my lip hard to keep from crying but it was pointless I was already crying. I looked back up when I felt two arms wrap around my torso. I see Kayde rest his head on my shoulder. He looks at me deep in the eyes "Baby your so beautiful, strong, amazing, funny, and brave as hell. Please don't think any different." He kissed over the lash marks on my shoulders. I turn in his arms and held him close to me. h
He lifted me on top on the sink counter. I cried softly in his neck while he holds my hips, rubbing circles with his thumbs. He kisses me deeply  after i calm down. He let go to bend down under the cabinet  and pulled out this coco butter lotion he put in there last week. As he pours some in his hands he smiled softly "hold your arms out for me baby boy" I did as he said. He rubbed over my scars gently with the cool lotion. I smile a little while looking at how concentrated he was to be carful not to hurt me. He started to rub it over my chest,shoulders, and back. When he was finished he washed his hands. He smiled while looking me in the eyes "I can put this on you every night after a shower and in a few week to a month most of the scars will fade alot." After putting my shirt on we hug and I say thank you a million and one times. Before I could get up though, he bent down and kissed my belly. I've been able to hear our babys' heart beat. "I love you my little pup your really going to love your mommy he's really amazing, smart ,and pretty funny" he said smiling proudly making me giggle when he called me mommy. "Oh I have to be the mommy. I see." I fake pout just then my stomach growled loudly causing us to laugh. "Guess you guys are hungry" he helped me down but decided to carry me to the room. I slipped on a stretchy long sleeve while pulling my shirt from before on over it. I looked over at Kayde to see he's wearing pair of pinkish, faded skinny jeans and a red kick me by sleeping with sirens shirt. I giggled softly "lets go sexy" I pull his hand as he grabbed his beanie from the dresser. Once I was out to my mini Cooper I hear Kayde whistle at me. He hops in the driver side of his big ram truck . "We are going to go to that little café down the road then do some shopping for some baby things" Kayde said holding my hand to help me in. I grunted having to ride such a big truck but secretly I love it. "That sounds amazing My big bad wolf" I wink at him remembering Neon calls him that sometimes. He shakes his head as we listened to a Queen CD he had in his truck. 'I hope you see how well I'm doing mamma now that I'm with Kayde and Moonshine'  I thought while holding his hand tightly, his other on the wheel ' no place I'd rather be to be honest with you Mamma'

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