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Tony's POV

"Dad" she poked my nose and I groaned. "Dad, wake up"

"No, five more minutes" she chuckled and kissed me cheek.

"Fine, I guess I'll just go to Hollywood Studios by myself" my eyes shot open and I pulled her into my embrace. She started laughing more and I shushed her.

"Erin is still sleeping" I whispered and she started laughing again.

"No she's not, she's staring at you" my head slowly turned towards her and I knew that face too well. "Oops"

"You were planning to go without us Avi? I'm hurt" Erin pouted and Avi started giggling.

"Dad didn't want to wake up, not my fault" she said and stood up.

"Fine I'm up, I'll ready soon" Avi was beaming now and bounced off towards the bathroom. She's so weird.

Avi's POV

I was beyond excited to go to Disney World. I've never been to an amusement park ever and I couldn't wait to go and see the Star Wars part. Yes, I'm as much of a Star Wars nerd as my dad and Erin. I watched them whenever I was able to sneak around my foster parents and I was hooked.

I knew it was going to be hot as fuck outside in Orlando, so I decided to wear a white shirt with cut outs on the back and light wash, high waisted denim shorts. I didn't give a shit about my hair so I slipped my black unicorn beanie over my head. I did some simple eyeliner and put on some Unicorn Blood by Jeffree Star Cosmetics for my lips today. Yes, I'm obsessed with unicorns and liquid lipsticks especially Jeffree's. I grabbed my glasses, mom's necklace and ring, and some silver bangles too.

"All you sinners stand up sing hallelujah" I sang along while walking towards the front lounge. I went to one of the drawers under the couch and grabbed my white low cut socks and white converse.

"Ready?" I nodded and stood up with my purse, making sure I had everything before nodding. We walked outside of the venue and walked around Disney Springs with Ashley when some fans started walking behind us.

"What's up everyone, today is October Eighth and we are in Orlando today and I'm finally going to Disney World. I've never been to an amusement park and I'm excited. I'm with the nerdiest couple ever and my favorite person on tour-"

"I thought I was your favorite" Dad pouted.

"Favorite person ever is you, but on tour it's Ashley" I said and smiled at him. When we passed the front of the venue, we saw fans already lining up. Some people were yelling "Hi" to us and we smiled before continuing to walk.

When we got to Hollywood Studios I was pretty much bouncing towards the Tower of Terror. I had the best time and when the Imperial army started walking through the main entrance I was acting like a seven year old. We went to Magic Kingdom too before we had to get back to the venue. Ashley took pictures of me in front of the castle and I was so happy.

"Alright, we're headed back to the venue to get ready for the soundcheck party" dad said into his phone. I sighed and leaned against him when we were on the monorail. "Are you tired mini me?" I nodded and clung onto him like a koala. He chuckled and bent down so I could rest on his back.

"First time, so tired" I mumbled.

"Sleep, I'll wake you up when it's almost time for the show" I whined and held onto him tighter.

"Nooo, I can stay up. Just carry me" I could hear Erin and Ashley chuckling and I just pouted. I was so tired I couldn't really care much about anything. Disney killed me... That's actually not a bad way to die. You literally had so much fun you dropped dead. Actually no, Disney corporate would go ballistic.

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