Twenty Two

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"Good morning everyone, today is the first day of me getting back to my real life. Meaning, the daily vlogs are back" I said to my camera while I tried to will my body to get out of bed. Jazz and I were gonna go look for prom dresses at a warehouse I'm partnered with today, then I had two client meetings, a photo shoot, and I had to go to LA to record a song with Nick Jonas. Yup, that's sounds like my life pretty much. "I have a lot of things to do today and I'm gonna bring you along for most of it, some things are secret"

"Morning bubz" Dad said and I smiled.

"But this guy isn't a secret, morning pops" I said and he smiled before tackling me. I screamed when he started tickling me and he had the most evil look in his eyes.

"Tickle attack! Mike get the camera!" Jaime yelled.

"No!" I laughed and tried to wiggle my way out of their grip. I'm definitely not going to go back to sleep again after this.

"Go for the feet!" Vic said and I screamed again. I think I kicked someone and the tickling stopped.

"Did I kick someone?" I asked and realized dad was in pain.

"Nope, just kneed me where the sun don't shine" he said and fell over.

"Does this mean in grounded?" I asked. Everyone laughed and I just patted dad's head before taking my camera back from Mike.

"And that was my wakeup call featuring papa Mike, my padrino Vic, pops, and Jaime one of my many drunk uncles" I laughed and turned my camera off. We all went to the kitchen and I smiled at Jazz. I sat next to her and kissed her cheek, she started blushing and I smiled before grabbing my phone and scrolling through Twitter. A lot of people were tweeting me, asking for a girlfriend tag with Jazz. I never did a boyfriend tag with Shawn, we were always too busy, but I did want to do this with her.

"You want to make a video with me?" I asked and she stopped eating her food to look at me.

"Really?" I nodded and she blushed.

"Yeah, I want to make a video with you. Please" I pouted and she rolled her eyes.

"Fine, but you owe me a date" she said and stuck her pinky finger out. I smiled and wrapped mine around hers.

"Deal" I said and kissed the tip of her nose.

"What time do you have to be at the studio bubz?" Vic asked.

"Not until six, thanks for driving me by the way" I took a sip of my coffee and texted Kylie to meet me at the warehouse. She was gonna help Jazz and I find dresses, she also loves helping me find cute things.

"Anytime bubz" I smiled at him before finishing my plate of food and giving Erin my classic puppy dog pout so I could have more. She kept her ground and I just let my eyes start watering a little.

"I'm underweight and have been malnourished my entire life, are you really not going to give me.kore when it's better if I have it?" I asked and she glared at me. "This is a compliment, I love your cooking"

"Thanks, but no" I slouched in my chair before washing my plate.

"How are you capable of eating so much?" Mike asked.

"I got a big belly with lots of space" I patted my stomach and they all laughed. "Plus I have a high metabolism, and now I'm gonna get ready. Be right back" I kissed Jazz quickly and headed back to my room. I slipped on my burgundy criss cross tank, black high waist shorts, and black combat boots. I didn't feel like putting on a shit ton of makeup today so I decided to just go with some eyeliner and a nude liquid lipstick. I slipped in my favorite gold rose earrings, three piece silver ring set, the Rings I always wear, and my sunglasses.

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