Twenty Four (Final)

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Tony's POV

"Dad" I groaned when she poked my nose.

"Avi? Did you have a nightmare?" She shook her head. I sighed and scooted over so she could climb into bed. "What's going on bubz?"

"I'm nervous" she whispered. Tomorrow was the Glamour Awards, we were heading up to LA in a few hours so she can get ready. This was a really big deal for her, Austin Carlile heard about what she's been doing and agreed to come see her. I knew Avi loves Of Mice & Men, she didn't know he had called me and I couldn't wait for this surprise.

"Bubz, you're gonna be fine, and if you don't win it's okay" I said, kissing her forehead. "Did you finalize everything?"

"Yeah, I got to pick my sings too if I do win. If I win the youtuber one, it's gonna be Drown by Bring Me, the Icons is gonna be Disasterology, and if I win Glamour Inspiration it's gonna be Space Enough To Grow by Of Mice" I smiled at her and her eyes brightened up.

"Your top three bands, I like that. What are you nervous about?" I asked.

"Tripping and falling, stuttering on stage, crying too much that I don't actually give a speech" she listed. "This is probably the biggest day of my life aside from getting adopted that's always number one"

"Thanks, I love you Avi" she smiled and squeezed me a little.

"I love you too dad" I knew she felt better and she fell asleep again. My beautiful daughter, she's done so much in so little time. I definitely need to take her on a vacation, she deserves it.


"Surprise!" Avi gasped and jumped on Mike. The guys came up to come to the award show with us, and while she was saying hi to all of them I recorded her while Austin slowly creeped up behind her with some flowers.

"Excuse me, I'm looking for an amazing young woman" he said and she started crying, good thing her makeup wasn't done yet.

"Austin" she hugged his tall frame and he laughed. "How are you here?"

"I called your dad and thought it was time I met his little clone" she laughed and hugged him again. "I'm also your date tonight, Jazz is really sorry but she has a fever"

"It's okay, I just can't believe you're here" she said. Avi looked at me with a huge smile on her face and I smiled back at her, she deserved to meet one of her heroes. Avi took her camera back and started filming before turning the camera off and sitting in her chair for her makeup. Her hair finally grew out more and into a bob, but she still had her undercut. Her makeup was really light and she looked so beautiful.

Thinking back to when I gave her away, it made me sad but I knew if it didn't happen, none of this would've either. We wouldn't be in LA getting ready for an award show, she wouldn't have gone through so much pain to be a strong woman, and we probably wouldn't have had as close a bond as we do now. The road was bumpy and long but all worth it.

"All good Tone?" Mike asked and I nodded. "She's come a long way man, you've gotta be proud"

"I am, she's amazing" I said and watched her while she talked to Austin. Both of them were smiling and looked so happy, they both deserved to be happy right now.

"Hello everybody, I am getting ready for the Glamour Awards right now and because Jazz is sick, I have a different date tonight aside from my dad. Here's he is, the man, the myth, the legend, and one of my hero's, Austin Carlile!" She said and he cheered. "I can't believe you're here"

"I can't believe I'm here either, I know I've helped you but you've helped me too" he said and she looked like she was about to explode. I laughed a little before sitting next to Erin.

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