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Advice Request
This person has a crush on a new boy. They believe they have similarities between each other, which they think is awesome, but they aren't sure how to talk to him.

Answered Submission
Aha, this is a problem many people go through! 😃

You should approach him during a time where you have enough time to talk to him. Start out with a casual, "Hey (insert name)! How've you been?" Listen to his answer, and then ease into a conversation. How do you do that? It's a lot simpler than you think. You can say something as simple as, "I heard you like kpop. What's your favorite song?" After he tells you his, let him know which song is your favorite. Who knows? Maybe you both have favorite songs too! 😉 Then shift the conversation to a different topic if you will, like why he joined the school music. Maybe he has a cool story behind that?

The key to conversations are topics! This means you should talk about different topics that interest both of you. But how are you supposed to know what interest him? Ask him! This will help you learn a lot more about him, and even add in what interests you as well. You'll both learn about each other this way.

While you converse with him, make sure to make it obvious that you're giving him your full attention, like nodding every now and then. Also make sure to not cut him off. After he finishes what he has to say, add in your thoughts because conversations are a give-and-take process. They'll only be awkward if one or both people are quiet and not into it.

The conversation should flow easily if you allow it to. If you both go silent, bring up another topic with a smile. Again, you'll get to know him more this way, and this can even show you whether you two truly should be together or not (based on your interests only, that is☺).

If you find something you're both interested in, like a movie, for example, then ask him if he'd like to hang out sometime! This should be the first step to building a relationship with him.

All in all, learn about each other by conversing about different topics. Once you find something that interests both of you, do it together, and from that point on, just keep on building on your relationship!

We hope this helps!

The Advice Column Team

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