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Advice Request
This person loves a sport, but their family won't let him/her play it on a team because they're afraid he/she would hurt themselves.

Answered Submission
Hi! :)

It's very clear from your request that you really, really like lacrosse, and hell yeah I'd love to see you play it! Why? Because you won't be playing for the name or the success but purely for the thrill of the game! That's beautiful.

Your problem stems from your family being protective of you; its nice to know we are loved and protected but too much of anything can become suffocating. While I clearly see why your family won't allow you to play, I also understand the sheer passion you have for the game. My advice is that if you love something, do not give it up. Keep trying. There is a right time and place for everything. If your family is unable to see your love for the game now, keep on convincing them, watch lacrosse games with them, take them to the games, and make them watch you play friendly games with your friends. You need to show them what you see, because to understand a situation, we need to see all sides of the story. Your family obviously loves you a lot and is worried about you, and they believe that it's just a passing fancy. Its your job to make them believe otherwise. As long as you don't give up on the game and don't give up on trying to convince them that you must play, nobody can stop you from playing.

The first step is for you to not give up, and the second is to educate your family about sports, life of lacrosse players, training sessions, and, most of all, let them see you play. When we love someone, seeing them happy and passionate about something makes us happy and passionate about it too. Your family needs to see you play.

Our team wishes to see you play as a star lacrosse player in the future.

Good luck!

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