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Advice Request
This person thinks their friend is being cheated on and is confused how to help the friend.

Answered Submission
Hey, Darling! Welcome to the Advice Column! It's great to see you here.

I'll make my advice simple and to the point. Life as you know it is like a twisting road going downhill—you can't really see around each bend; you have to deal directly with what's in front of you before you can move on. As you can see with this analogy, there isn't much room for interference. The person going on the path must learn to overcome each obstacle, and only then can they fully move on with their life.

I know that this girl is not right for him. He probably knows it too, it's just a little bit less obvious to him than it is to us. However, he needs to wake up and see this. He needs to be able to see past the facade that she has put up and understand the kind of person she really is. Then, and only then, can he move on and understand that not any old girl is fit to be his girlfriend. I know it's going to be hard for you to sit on your hands and do nothing, but it is for the best, and I know you can see this.

I wish you and him the best of luck in this situation and in all future ones as well.

Sending love and support,

The Advice Column

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