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Advice Request
This person is switching to a public high school and is very nervous.

Answered Submission
Hello there!

It is okay to be nervous about your transition from middle school to high school because, after all, you are moving into a new stage of life. High school tends to be the starting point of growth and maturity, so it is a big part of everyone's lives.

I don't know about where you live, but where I live, public schools and private schools seem to have this barrier where the students don't really mingle with each other. Personally—as stupid as I used to be back then—I was very intimidated by students from private schools because they seemed to belong in a different league. As I became who I am today, I learned that they're not that different from public school students. We are all humans; yes, we do have different personalities, but our personalities aren't determined by what school we go to. Ignore the 'private' and 'public' labels in the schools' names, and instead focus on being nice and friendly in this new place you're about to go to. Remember to make a lot of new friends, too!

Yes, it will be a very different experience. Yes, your new school will probably feel different than your old middle school. Yes, it is a nerve-wracking experience. Yes, it is scary to think about it now. But don't fret too much about it! The most important thing to do when you're in a new place is to be friendly and to be friends with the right people. I'm sure the rest will fall into place as time passes.

I wish you the best of luck and hope that you have a great time in high school!

With love,

The Advice Column Team

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