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Ashley's POV

I sat at the corner bench in the shadow to hide from the prying eyes. I don't want people to look at me or even pay slight attention to me. I'm starting to like being unnoticed.

I watched a little girl building a castle from little sand available in the park. It wasn't pretty but she was trying hard. She wanted to believe in the beauty of happily ever after where the prince and princess live in the big castle with love and hope. Real-life felt so far and dull when compared to that dream.

I remember having that dream, I remember telling my mother how I'm going to be the happiest person ever. I remember the butterflies and giggles I felt when I thought about love. It feels like a lifetime ago. It feels so far fetched now. I never realised how difficult love can be.

As I was looking at the setting sun I missed how pretty life used to be for me. I remembered how I used to enjoy the morning coffee or how my face used to glow in the sunlight. I miss having to look at me and feel content. I don't feel that anymore. I feel empty now.

I was thinking about things that I can't have when a boy came running and sat on the bench I was sitting on. I curiously looked at him. He was young, just like me. He had this cute boyish charm which is rare to find. He had messy hair and was trying to catch his breath. He immediately turned his head towards me and smirked. I felt conscious and started looking down.

"I'm aware I have a certain kind of effect on girls. Nothing to be ashamed of." I heard him say and instead roll my eyes. I was just curious, I didn't want to start a conversation.

I ignored him but he didn't seem to take the hint. "Do you know any restaurant nearby or some place to eat? I'm starving." I didn't reply to that either, I don't want to. "Really? You're not gonna reply to a simple question? That's arrogant."

I looked at him and he was smirking again "Why don't you ask the girl you just came back from kissing!"

"Hey! That's an accusation. I didn't do any such thing."

I rolled my eyes "You've lipstick stain on your lips"

He quickly rubbed it "Thank you. I'm supposed to meet my mom and if she sees this, she'll grill me nonstop about the girl. I feel like I'm in this age where I enjoy the co-"

I cut his ranting "You don't have to explain anything to me. I don't care."

He chuckled lightly. I looked at his eyes, they had a little twinkle. You see that in someone who enjoys life, not just living it.

"Thank you, Ms..?" His eyes traveled to my hand and I tried to hide my wedding band but he had spotted it already. "Mrs.? You're married?" I nodded lightly. I was getting uncomfortable in the attention. He raised his eyebrow to get my name but I didn't speak. "Thank you Mrs. Whatsoever." He finally said.

I shifted a little more towards the shadow. The last thing I wanted was to be spotted by someone I know with this man.

"You look quite young to be married." He stated with eyes fixed on my wedding ring.

"Why do you care?"

"I don't, I'm just making conversation. How do you know that you're ready to be married? I feel I won't be until I'm in the 40s"

"You just know" there was so much more I wanted to say. This might've been the first time someone asked me this important question and I had so many things in my mind to say out loud but I didn't.

He was quiet for some time until he slides a little closer to me and tried to examine my face. "Is there something on your face? I can't see clearly. Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. It's nothing"

I got up but he held my hand to stop me. It was strange and uncomfortable. This is not what I had in my mind when I left home today. I wanted a little peace and solitude. I stepped back but his grip was strong. He didn't let go even though he saw my struggle. He saw something which I didn't want him to see.

"Wait.. let me see" he got up but I turned around. His intense grey eyes were making me jumpy. I released my hand from his grasp and took a step away from him. "Should I drop you somewhere? Where do you live?"

I got alert all of sudden. This is not how I want things to go in my life. I'm trying to stay away from trouble.

"I can manage. You don't have to."

"Yeah, but look.. it is getting dark... I should.."

Without letting him finish I started walking "" I whispered and started increasing my pace.

He shouted once or twice but I didn't stop. "Fine suit yourself, Mrs. Whatsoever"

It was the last thing I heard from him. Apart from me wanted to turn and look at those intense yet twinkling grey eyes. It wasn't infatuation or feelings, I just wanted to see the spirit of life in his eyes. The simple, carefree attitude which I wish I had. I could feel anything. I don't feel anymore. I used to feel sad but now I feel numb. The question I kept asking myself as I walked back home, how can emptiness feel so heavy?

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