Forty One

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Ashley's POV

I spend the entire day in my room. I didn't feel like coming out of it. I was angry at myself for upsetting David. I'm supposed to be with him, be his rock but instead I broke his heart.

I wanted to comfort him but I didn't know how. I thought giving him some space might help, I didn't have any other plan.

I heard a soft knock on my door, Serena opened in slowly with a tray of food. I remembered I haven't eaten anything since the breakfast in the diner.

"I called you but you didn't come out so I decided to bring the food up here."

I took the tray from her and placed it on the bed side "I must've spaced. I'm sorry."

"It's okay. I understand."

"Thank you for bringing the food but I'm not hungry."

"You haven't eaten anything since the morning. You don't have to starve yourself because of our dysfunctional family."

I smiled a little. I took a bite of the sandwich she brought. I had no idea I was so hungry until I actually ate something. I was so preoccupied the whole day to pay attention on my hunger.

"Did David eat?" I asked

"Yeah. Emily got him to eat something. He isn't talking to me." Serena looked sad saying that. I felt bad for her.

"I'm so sorry. What happened sucked, it was awful."

She chuckled lightly "you shouldn't be sorry. It is my mess. I created it myself. I should've known better."

"My husband, or ex husband to be correct seperated when David was fourteen, Layla must be around eleven. Seperated seems so proper, mutual but in reality it was such a mess. He cheated on me and I threw him out of the house. I just couldn't stand him so I threw the father of my children out of the house in front of them." She sighed. She was obviously remorseful. "I wasn't the best mother after my husband left. I kept blaming him for so many things. I guess it was just easier to blame him than accept that I could be wrong. I was in denial so long, I kept thinking if it wasn't for him we would be happy but that was a lie. We were unhappy for a long time we just didn't want to accept it. He might've pulled the last straw but I was the one who stacked it for him."

"You know it's okay.. I understand. You were not a bad wife, I know it feels that way but you shouldn't blame yourself." I said

"Um right. You're divorced. David told me. I'm sorry."

"It's okay. For the longest even I thought I was wasn't the perfect wife he expected. I blamed myself for it too but I realised that it was he who destroyed our marriage, not me."

"We got married after two years of dating. We waited for an year before we were ready to have kids. We did everything by the book. It was supposed to be perfect but life is not a book. You can't predict it'll be perfect. After we became parents, we both changed. We gradually stopped caring. Times were a little tough, bumpy roads and somewhere along the way we lost each other. I'm not saying I'll ever forget what he did because I can't. It was horrible way to end our relationship. If he would've just told me he wanted out, I would've given him a out but what he did, it broke my heart. For the longest time I felt so insufficient. I was so angry that I took it out on everybody including my kids. I remember one time after seperating I saw my husband waiting for the kids at their school and I got so agitated that I drove back like a maniac, drank myself until I was completely passed out and didn't care if my kids ate that day. Soon it became a pattern. I stopped caring, I stopped feeling grateful. I'm thankful David was there to manage Layla because I was completely incompetent. I was going through such a tough time."

"Serena.." I whispered. She was hurting. I can understand why she did what she did. I was lost once too, it isn't easy being the victim of a earth shattering heartbreak. "You were going through something. You can't think that you're a bad mother because of it. David loves you."

"Yeah, now. I remember one day he said he had enough of my nuisance. He arranged for an intervention to get my life in order but I snuck out and missed it. After that we just stopped talking. It was the first time I realized what a crappy mother I was being. My son didn't want to talk to me. I picked myself up, I got my shit together and tried really hard. But you know, David was so angry, at me, at his father, at the world in general. He was lashing out. One night we got into this huge fight, we said some really horrible things to each other. I tried explaining him, I tried telling him it wasn't all his father's fault but it didn't make a difference. He said he is ready to forget the whole thing if I promise I'll speak of his father again. I know I shouldn't have made that promise. I should've give his father a chance to explain but I didn't. I just wanted my kids."

She was guilty. She couldn't forgive herself for what happened in the past. Guilt is such a heavy burden. It can crush you anytime. I was so sad that David had to go through something like this and in his time of need rather than being with him, I made him feel worse.

"It is not easy for David. As you know our relationship was not a good example for him. He has always had difficulty opening up and giving real chances but I see the way he looks at you. He really likes you. Some days one person has to work for both people in a relationship. Just talk, you'll be surprised how much talking could solve." She smiled at me. It wasn't an ideal situation for her either.

"Serena" I called out as she was walking away. "I know what you're thinking but you're not a bad mother. You were a wife whose husband hurt her, David can't understand how emotionally distressing it is. You don't have to blame yourself because in the end.. you've raised two really great kids."

She smiled at me. It is difficult being a mother and a wife. Sometimes the grief of a marriage ending can overshadow anything. I understand how weak and lost she must feel. I also understand how confusing it is for David. I may not be the best talker or motivator but he needs me and the best I could, is just be there for him, no matter what.

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