Twenty Four

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Ashley's POV

For the next half hour we drove in silence. We were close to another city and yet I had no idea where he was taking me. I wanted to ask but I figured it would be a waste.

He was quiet and peaceful until he broke the silence.

"Your employees are really scared of you"

"Yeah which reminds me, how the hell did you get into my office? No one is allowed into my cabin without my authorization."

"I know and it is really inconvenient." I glared at him "I charmed my way into your office which was really difficult considering your employees are terrified of you." He added.

"They should be. It helps me run my company"

"Yeah but wouldn't you want them to respect you more than they are afraid of you?"

"Do you have a company? No, so when you'll have your own company. You can run that according to how you see fit."

He scoffed but didn't reply which is first because he has a reply to everything.

"How did you get in?"

"I told you"

"I need a real answer as to who I need to fire."

He looked at me "Now I'm not telling you. You're going to take some poor guy's job for a lie I told."

"Oh God. What lie did you tell?"

"That I'm your boyfriend who need to fix a fight we had before you realize how good you're for me and move on. The person was sceptical at first but then I told him if you knew I was waiting outside, you'll fire him so he let me in."

"What the hell!" I yelled

"Hey, atleast the last part was true. You were just talking about firing someone"

"It was one of the security guard, wasn't it?"

"I'm not saying anything. I plead the fifth"

I groaned in frustration "You're unbelievable. You bother me to no end. And I'm stuck in this car with you, going God knows where. This blows"

"Wow. No woman has ever hurt me with her words as much as you do. My heart is bleeding, you should know"

I rolled my eyes but kept quiet.

We were in another city and I still wasn't clued in on where he was taking me. I did ask him but his silence was all I got.

After driving which felt like forever, he parked the car in front of a carnival. I didn't know on Earth would he want me to go to a carnival.

He got off the car and rushed to open my door like a gentleman. I smiled a little for that gesture. I don't remember anyone ever doing that for me.

"You brought me to a carnival." He nodded "how old do you think I'm, 10?"

He scoffed "carnivals are not only for kids. Half of these big ass rides don't even allow children."

"Okay. Why are we here?"

"I wanted you to experience something. Have fun a little."

"That's it. You drove over an hour outside the city to have fun. I've work tomorrow. I can't be out playing like kids"

"Why? You don't like kids? Or are you afraid you're actually gonna enjoy this?"

He threw off a little bit. I was afraid that this might feel good and I might actually lower my guard down. I wasn't sure if that is a good.

"I'm going home."

"How? I drove you here"

"I'll call a cab or hitchhike. I don't know.. I.." I trailed finding excuses.

"Look, just come okay? If you don't seriously like it, we'll leave."

"Ugh. Fine."

The carnival was filled with people. There were litte kids with their parents, asking for candy. It was adorable to see little families, happy and joyous.

There were also couple of teenagers which from the looks of it seemed were on dates. Those awkward but cute first dates. I was uncomfortable surrounded by so many people. I was conscious.

"Wait. Is this a date?" I asked.

"Your words, not mine" he winked at me.

Before I could object he jogged to the tickets booth. I kept telling myself it wasn't a date, it can't be. I'm not dating David but it was less convincing each time.

After David brought the tickets we both wandered in the carnival. He insisted he win me a stuff animal but when he did play, he sucked.

It was nice. I was starting to like this carnival idea. David stopped in front of a ride that said 'Sea Blaster'. It was just another complicated roller coaster. It looked scary and fun but I didn't get why he stopped here.

"Why did you stop?"

"We're doing this"

"What? No. I'm not riding that thing"

"Why? Scared of heights?"


"Then, come on. It is going to be a blast. Pun intended"

I saw the tickets counter. There was a long line.

"There's a long line for the tickets."

He fetched something out of his pockets. They were the tickets.

"You have them already? How did you know I would agree to this nonsense."

"I didn't but I was hoping you would."

He grabbed my wrist and pulled me to ride the ridiculous ride.

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