Thirty Four

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Ashley's POV

I got dressed to visit my mom. I called my secretary and informed her I'll be coming late to the office.

I entered my parent's house and heard my mother giggling and talking to someone. I made my way to find my mom talking to someone on the phone.

"Thank you so much David. We owe you" she laughed on something he said from the other side "No no.. " "Yeah, I hope she's okay now?" "No she hasn't showed up or informed me anything about it" "Okay okay.. anyways you should also take care David" "Thank you once again" she said and hung up.

"Mom" I said as soon as she finished the call.

"Oh, Ashley" she came running to hug me "You had me so worried last night. Are you feeling okay?"

"Yeah" I sat on the couch and she sat next to me. I frowned "why were you talking to David?"

"I called him to ask how you were doing. I didn't want to disturb you incase you were sleeping or something. He's a real sweetheart though. He took care of you, he handle the whole thing with a smile. He cares about you."

I felt good knowing that. It is nice to have someone who takes care of you when you're a big mess.

I sat quietly not knowing how to apologize. I played with my fingers. My mom sensed my discomfort and held my hand.

"It's okay, baby. We understand."

"But you shouldn't have to." I jumped "I was a complete mess last night and you shouldn't have to excuse that. I don't deserve all the love and support. I'm always letting you guys down."

"Don't beat yourself. You deserve every bit of love, trust me. I'm sure there is a perfect explaination for why you did what you did. We're not disappointed in you, we never are."

"I was standing there, looking at both of you, so happy which made me happy and then Mia came and started talking about Aaron. All the poisonous, heartbreaking memories came rushing back. I tried to push them away but they've a weird control over me, I felt I was compelled to stand for myself. The next thing I know I'm standing in the center of attention and making a fool of myself." I sighed "I'm aware how bad my marriage was but I refuse to accept that I was a bad wife. I did everything I could to save my marriage. He ruined it for us, for me."

My mom was caressing my face. She knew how much pain I was in when I was married.

"You were not a bad wife and I know how much your heart is hurting still but it isn't how your life is supposed to be. Sometimes relationships just don't work out, there is no cosmic reason why that happens to the best of people but it does. You were lucky enough to survive a toxic marriage. You're my baby, I love you so much. Don't you ever think you disappoint me."

I hugged my mom and we stayed like that for a while before she broke the silence.

"What's going on between you and David?"

"Nothing. Why would you ask me that? Nothing." I got all flustered and very obvious.

"You're blushing. Tell me, honestly, how do you feel about him?"

I looked at her and I wanted to tell her everything I felt. I was at war with my emotions and I felt I had to say it out loud to get clarity.

"He's amazing. The way his mind works is astounding to me. I don't.. I can't describe it but the way he perfectly forms a sentence to make me feel better is admirable. He's patient, I know that because I've tried to push him away. I've been my worst self with him yet the way he looks at me, with warmth in his eyes is staggering. Even on the days he pushes my buttons and annoys me, I still want to be around him. Somehow, I feel free from all the burden when I'm around him. I keep shutting him out because I'm terrified that he'll see what a mess I'm and end up pitying me. I like him. I don't think I've said it out loud but I do and it scares the hell out of me."

"Why are restricting yourself. You should embrace your feeling and go for it. He makes you smile and I love seeing my baby smile."

"Mom.." I whispered "My heart is not strong enough for another heartbreak."

"I know, Sweetie. I know you think you're broken but I want you to know that it is okay. You need to let go of idea of perfection. You're real, you've experiences, you've known life in a different light and I think David is smart enough to notice that. People make mistakes, we're allowed to. He'll make some mistakes, you'll make some mistakes but that shouldn't come in the way of your happiness."

I nodded. My mom has always been the romantic. She looks at life in a completely different light which is refreshing. I need that mentality, I need to be more open to myself. I cant hide behind my past forever. I need to feel alive again.

"I've seen how that boy looks at you, that's how your dad looked at me the first time I met him. It's the same crazy look." She chuckled remembering.

"Mom, I'm really sorry for yesterday. I can't say it enough."

"Yes you can. Stop saying it. Now tell me, did you eat?"

"Uh no. I rushed here so.."

"Okay so I'm going to make you some breakfast. I'm thinking-" my phone rang cutting my mom off. I looked, it was sectary calling.

"Sorry, excuse me please." I picked up her call. It could be an emergency.

Sally: Hello ma'am, I'm sorry to disturb you.

Ashley: I told you. I'll be coming in late today. This better be life and death, Sally.

Sally: I know ma'am but I've to confirm an appointment with you. They're calling continuously.

Ashley: An appointment? That's the big emergency?

Sally: Ma'am, I'm really sorry but they're being persistent.

Ashley: Fine. Who is it?

Sally: Someone from Eric Beckley's office has been calling since morning to make an lunch appointment with you for tomorrow. 

Ashley: Is he client? I don't remember any Eric Beckley. Who is he?

Sally: He's the direction of silver fox corporation. I don't know what the meeting is about but-

Ashley: You know what? Whatever. Okay, I'll meet him. Just stop disturbing me for little things. Don't call me until it is literally life and death. 

Sally: Yes, right. I'm sorr-see you-i.

I hung up before she starts babbling. I see my mom's expression, she wanted to say something in this matter.

"No. This is my business. I don't need lecture."

"I'm not saying anything." I glared at her "I'm gonna make you french toast, come, eat something. You're getting cranky." I rolled my eyes knowing completely I was gonna get a lecture about the phone call.

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