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David's POV

"Hey sleepy, what do you want for breakfast?" Layla asked from her big spacious kitchen.

"Nothing. Coffee will do" I said walking upto her and sitting on the kitchen stool.

Eric entered from the backyard door, coming from his morning run. He patted my back before getting a cup of coffee.

"So, why did you surprise us with your presence this weekend? I didn't know you were coming."

"Me neither" Layla added

"I just felt I needed to be around family." I shrugged "although thanks for cancelling tonight's plan. Very selfish of you, my sister's pet" I eyed Eric who just shrugged which made Layla really happy.

"Dude, I'm spending the entire day with my girls. It is much overdue. Moreover, I thought Rafael was coming. What happened to him?"

"Don't know. Something came up."

I took a sip of coffee as Eric prepared the breakfast while my sister help. It was nice to see them like this.

"I miss Rafael too" Layla said. I nodded

Rafael is our first cousin. We all grew up together, went to the same school, had the same after school activities, almost same anyway. We three were more friends than siblings. Now being a travel blogger and chef himself, Rafael is always travelling which meant spending less time with us. We are all very proud of him but we miss the good old days when he was here.

"Uncle Dav!" I heard my niece shout. I turned and saw my two adorable nieces running towards me. They both jumped at the same time and I caught them giving them a tight bear hug.

After whatever happened with Ashley I couldn't be near her. I needed space, she needed space. I decided to crash my sister's weekend and spend time with her and these little munchkins. My almost three year old nieces are way too adorable and smart to be Layla and Eric's children. They're the light of our family. We've spoiled them so much, it is unbelievable.

"You know, when I was coming over, I found a vending machine and they were restocking it so I bought a tons of sweets for you. It is unbelievable how much sugar rush you can have" both of them gave me a toothy smile and kissed me.

"You're the best, Uncle Dav." Erica said

"I loves youu" Chloe added

"Thanks, uncle dav" Layla glared me. Her kids become little monsters on sugar. It is adorable to watch them torture my sister.

"Okay, sweet will have to wait because my girls are going out with me today." Eric said and both of them nodded their heads enthusiastically.

"Come, eat breakfast and then we're off for a fun day. You'll be okay with your sister?" Eric asked me

"I'll survive"

"We will see you, Uncle Dav. Loves" Erica said and they both kissed me goodbye before leaving with their father.

The kids left with Eric after having breakfast. It was nice having breakfast with the family.

I was sitting on the couch scrolling through my phone when Layla came with another cup of coffee.

She handed me the cup and sat next to me. I took a sip of the coffee and coughed.

"Dude. What? It is still morning"

"Oh come on, a little bourbon isn't going to kill ya. We're having Irish coffee this afternoon. Also, I don't have my kids the whole day and I'm pretty sure you've a sob story waiting for me."

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