Twenty Five

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Ashley's POV

As I stood in the line waiting for our turn I saw how excited people were to ride this thing. I on the other hand didn't care much.

"It is a roller coaster named sea blaster. Why are people so excited. Why are you so peppy about it?" I asked David.

"Did you just use peppy in a conversation? Nice." I rolled my eyes "this ride makes you feel you can fly and you feel you can fly, you can practically do anything."

I scoffed "going on a ride or believing that you're a superhero who can fly isn't going to solve everything. It is just a distraction."

"Yes, it is. I never said I'm here to make things okay for you cause I'm not. It is all going to be there when the ride is over but for five minutes. It won't matter and sometimes, all we need is five minutes."

As the worker strapped us to our seat I saw David's hand shaking and he was biting his lip.

"You're scared?"

He turned to me. I could see he was nervous "huh? Yeah, I don't do heights."

"Then why are you?"

"Because if I don't, you won't and I want you to do it."

The ride began and a faint smile came to my face as I saw nervous David beside me.



Up ....

After a while I closed my eyes. I felt the breeze travel through my long hair. I felt the wind hitting my face. I felt lighter. I haven't felt this relaxed in years.

I could analysis things, obsess over small details, hash over my past but in the moment where I was up, closer to the sky, none of things matter.

This is what freedom feels like. Living life without the weight and guilt of life. I didn't care about my mistakes or how most of the days I'm terrified to get out of bed cause I don't understand life as I should. I was free.

The short time in the ride was one of the most peaceful moments of my life. I rode another time, without David. He was completely terrified the first time.

As I felt the wind and peace I crave all the time, I was grateful. I haven't honestly been grateful for a second chance ever since I got one but in that felt, I was grateful. I found clarity and some sort of closure.

"How was it?" David asked as I returned from the ride after the second time.

I just smiled. I couldn't out in words that would convey the emotion I felt up there. Also, I was little selfish. It was my moment and I want to cherish it for as long as I can.

"You approve of my idea then?" I nodded

"So you believe you can fly?" He smirked

"I did for atleast ten seconds. Best ten seconds ever." I answered honestly.

"I don't know what your deal is and I'm sure whatever it is, it is pretty important to you but I want you to know that in this moment, I don't care at all. I see your smile and I'm focusing on that until one day you decide to tell me."

"I-I-" I wanted to tell him. It was strange but I wanted to give him some sort of reassurance.

"You don't have to, right now. I know there is this burden in your heart. I see how sometimes get lost in conversation or wander into some other time when you hear something similar. I see how you worry about things but you don't have to. You'll end being the person you were meant to be. The process can be hard and harsh but that's life I guess. It is okay to sometimes let it all go and have a little selfish fun for ourselves."

"Thank you.." I said softly as I lowered my eyes and a blush rise up my cheeks.

Luckily he ignored the awkward moment and changed the subject. "Are you hungry yet or you wanna ride more, kid?"

Although I wanted to ride more but my stomach groaned and I was starving.

He chuckled "that's not very lady like."

"Shut up."

"So, where should we eat? They've bacon wrapped pretzels."

He scrunched my nose "that's gross"

"I know. I'm just giving you options"

As we argued over what to eat, I looked up and our eyes met. His eyes were warm and kind and had a little twinkle. He was genuinely happy that I was happy. It is commendable how no matter what, he didn't give up. He even rode with me on the ride which he is terrified of. I don't give him enough credit. He deserves so much more.

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