Twenty Three

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Ashley's POV

My entire day has been packed jam. Meetings and projects are practically driving me insane. I woke up put on green jumpsuit and rushed to office. I didn't even have time to eat breakfast.

I didn't have time to take a breather. I had meetings and tenders and signatures to do on new contracts we drew up for the new housing project. These are the times I miss my Dad the most. He was always so good at all this. I can't believe he retired and left all of this on me.

It was almost six and I was still stuck at the office. I had to go through the terms and conditions of the contract before signing it.

"We didn't get the tender, did we?" I asked my secretary Sally, who just walked in "Why is so difficult for you people to do something on your own? GO FIGURE IT OUT. NOW. No one is going home, Sally" I snapped at her. I was frustrated and exhausted.

"I think that Brain sai-"

"Oh, I'm sorry. Did you not hear what I said? I DON'T WANNA KNOW. GO TELL THEM TO FIX IT"

"Yes ma'am" she whispered. She was scared of me and I can understand why.

"And Sally," she turned to look at me "If this isn't fix, I'm throwing everyone out, including you." She nodded but stood there thinking which meant she definitely had more to say.

"Speak" I barked at her.

"Yeah, yes, right. I was telling-"

The door to my cabin opened cutting her in middle and revealing David. As soon as I saw his smiling face I felt relief. I was tired and exhausted yet his smile made me feel better. It was such a annoying feeling. I shouldn't feel this way.

My eyes wandered to Sally for a minute who was gawking at David like a piece of meat. She was smiling like a smitten school girl. It was disturbing. David didn't help the cause either, he winked at her and then gave his infamous lopsided grin.

"Come on, I'm here to take you" David said turning his attention to me.

"What? Where? And most importantly, what the hell are you doing here?" I was annoyed again.

"I can't tell you. You'll have to come to know" he walked upto me and grabbed my arm.

"Would you let go? I'm not going anywhere. I've got work to do"

"Ashley, I'm not asking you to leave work forever. You'll have your work tomorrow when you return."

"No, I can't-"

"Ma'am, we can handle from here on if you want to leave with your boyfriend." Sally interrupted.

I glared at her "Not my boyfriend. Did I ask for your input?" She lowered her eyes and shook her head "Good. Keep that in mind next time you interfere."

"Okay grumpy, you need to relax very, badly" he held my arm and pulled me up but I removed my arm from his grip as I stood up.

"My office. My rules. Get out before I call security and throw you out."

He took a step closer to me "You come with me or I throw you over my shoulder and carry you out myself."

"Don't you dare" I gritted my teeth in anger.

He glared at me back "Ah, try me. I'm ready to get arrested to get you to come with me"

I kept glaring at him and he at me. Neither one of us was going to flinch. This is the problem with stubbornness, you never know when to quit.

He grabbed my waist to pull me closer but I put my hand on his chest to stop it. I could feel his slight muscles and for a microsecond he flinched as my hand touched his chest. It was good to know that he wasn't the only one who had some kind of a effect on me.

He leaned in and spoke "Do you really want to create a scene in front of your employees? How gossip worthy would that be?" He smirked as he let go of my waist and step back waiting for my answer.

I sighed in defeat "Fine but we leave this office respectfully with proper distance."

He raised his hands in surrender "Deal"

I grabbed my bag and started putting in my stuff in it to leave when I remembered Sally was still in the room and she witnessed everything.

"If you speak a word of this outside this cabin, I'll have your job" I threatened her. It wasn't ideal but he worked as nodded weakly. "You can leave, so can others. We'll pick this up tomorrow."

"Yes ma'am. Have fun" she turned to David and gave him her smitten smile again "Sir" and nodded.

"David" he replied, with a smirk.


As we my our way to the parking lot David said he was driving since he knew where we were going. I asked him but he didn't tell me and I wasn't going to beg, I'll just have to trust him on this one.

"How far is this place you're taking me?"


"I'm in my work clothes. Does your ridiculous plan has time for me to change?"

"You look okay to me. Dare I say, pretty"

He smiled at me and glared in return "Eyes on the road. I'm not going to die because you're insufferable."

"Ouch. Your excitement for the surprise is shocking."

I turned to yell at him but he cut me off.

"Would you relax? I'm playing with you. You'll love where I'm taking you."

I scoffed "I doubt it"

"I know you will. You pretend to be this big bad wolf but inside you're like a little adorable rabbit. I can tell."

I pointed my finger at him "don't ever use that analogy on me. Got it?" I said gritting my teeth in anger.

"Okay. What is up with you? You're more pissed than general. Is it your work?" He asked

I didn't say anything, just kept looking outside the window. I was already disliking this situation, the last thing I needed was road trip bonding.

"Oh come on, you're ignoring me. It is long way. You better talk to me."

"How long is long?" I asked but he didn't reply, just his stupid grin.

"So work, huh?" He asked again.

I sighed. He wasn't going to quit. He clearly doesn't know how to.

"Yeah, lately, it has been more stressful than before and my dad has retired which means I've to do everything which is taking a troll on me, I guess. Happy?"

He frowned "why don't you ask your dad for help? You can talk to him."

"I'm not very good at that"

"That being, asking help? Talking?" I nodded and resumed looking out.

"You're talking to me" I looked at him again "even though I can tell you don't want to but still you're talking, sharing, you know kinda. You're better at it than you think you're."

I nodded slowly but didn't say anything. I've put my parents through enough. My dad has trusted me with a responsibility and I'm not going to let him down.

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