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David's POV

Ava stopped in the middle as soon as she realized what she said. All the eyes turn to Ashley hoping, or expecting for a reaction. I can understand her marriage being a touchy subject but the silence and the anticipation made me think it was so much more.

Everyone was waiting for her to do something but she left. She wasn't just walking away, she was running away. She was scared and sad. I've seen the sadness in her eyes, the sorrow as if she lost something but this was different. She couldn't look up, she couldn't even stay and face it.

She feels too much but doesn't let herself accept. The room felt silent as I watched her run out to the backyard. I understand that her marriage didn't end well but what was so horrible about it that she went pale as soon as she heard it. Did her husband die?

Even in her apartment, there are no signs of her ever being married. If I hadn't known about her marriage, I would've never guessed her to be someone who's been married. She doesn't talk, she has incredibly huge walls that seem impossible to break but I want to. I know I shouldn't, I know it's complicated but I can't stop myself.

I see her pain sometimes, when she lets her guard down a little and all I want to do is ask her about it. Talk to her, listen to her, just be there. I want to understand her. I want to make her feel safe and protected. I'm well aware she's fire but I couldn't help but think what it'll be like to burned by her?

I was so lost thinking about her that I didn't realize I was still sitting at the dinner table.

"Oh god! What did I do? I didn't realize until it too late. She left because of me." Ava panicked.

"Sweetheart, it is not your fault. You didn't do it intentionally" George hugged her and tried to calm her down.

"Yes but I should know better. We were having such a good time. She left because I couldn't control my tongue."

I looked around and felt out of place. I didn't know what the deal was or why everyone was panicking but I wasn't needed there. Even though Ashley is rude and incredibly mean, I feel connected to her. It is strange as to how I can be so comfortable around someone who doesn't want me around herself.

I got up from my chair and followed the path Ashley took to run out. I kept walking until I found her sitting in the backyard with her arms wrapped around her tightly. Some will say it is because she is cold but it was as if she was protecting herself.

I stood there debating whether I should go and talk to her to make her mood worse or just stand here from far and watch her. A part of me wanted to walk away and never come back because it is a complicated road down here but I couldn't move. I just wanted to be here for her, make sure she's okay. It was a weird feeling, I've never felt this insistent need to make a girl feel okay.

I made my way towards her and sat down quietly next to him. Her eyes were closed and she was counting silently to calm herself down.

"Ashley..." I said softly.

She opened her eyes and looked at me. Even though her eyes were watery it looked so beautiful. Her eyes were so sad that it was impossible for me to look away. Every nerve in my body wanted me to wrap my arms around her and say it is okay but I didn't want to make her uncomfortable.

As I was looking into her sad beautiful eyes I realized she's the girl who comes out strong and together but some days falls asleep crying. She feels like she's broken, she's hurt, she's in pain and it was gut clenching for me. I cant walk away now. I'm hooked. I want to be here, I want to be around her. I'm confused about this feeling but it is also one of the real thing I've ever felt. In this moment I know there's no going back.


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