Thirty Three

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Ashley's POV

I woke up and my head was spinning. I groaned at my unbelievable state. I can't believe last night happened. I kept massaging my head trying to feel better.

I look beside me and the spot was empty. I remember David was sleeping next to me but he's gone now which is acceptable, I think. I'm a big mess and no sane person would want to deal with my mess. Even though I understood his disappearance I felt abandoned.

I got up to get myself a cup of coffee and wash it down with couple of pain killer. I realized I was still in my big fancy gown. I unzipped it and stepped out of it. I decided to get myself coffee in my underwear and then step right into the shower. I didn't bother putting on clothes considering I was alone.

I came out to see David standing by the coffee maker.

He looked at me and raised his eyebrows. "You're naked." His smile turned into a mischievous smirk.

"What?" I jumped realizing I was in my bra and underwear. "Oh God." I rushed to my room and put on sweats.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I snapped at him as soon as I came out, fully dressed this time.

"Um.. I liked that look better" I glared at him "how drunk were you last night? Don't you remember anything?"

"I wasn't drunk. I've a nice tolerance and yes, I remember.. I thought you left." I whispered the last part.

"I wanted to make sure you were okay. Are you okay?" I looked into his eyes and he genuinely meant that.

"Yeah.. I guess. I'm so sorry about last night."

"Why are you apologizing to me? You didn't do anything to me. If anything, that girl, you made her look.. you know.. " he trailed

"Trust me, Mia Cook deserves it. All of it."

"Her name is Mia Cook?" I nodded taking a sip of the coffee David pour me "weird. Anyway, your parents didn't deserve that. They got really freaked out by your little act and then you fainted, got us all worried."

"God. I feel horrible. Did you say anything to them?" I asked

"Not really. They wanted to take you to a hospital but I insisted not to knowing how you don't like them. I convinced Liam to let me take you home. He handled your parents."

Hearing what happened after my little act makes me wanna throw up. My parents deserved one night without my crazy drama. They were happy and enjoying and I completely ruined it. I'm such a bad daughter.

"So, what do you wanna have for breakfast?"

"Huh?" He broke my thoughts "nothing. I'm late for office and I was thinking about dropping by my parent's and let them know I'm alive even though I have disappointed them enough."

"Ashley, you didn't disappoint them. They love you and they can understand. You had your reasons. They might not be rational but still happens." He reassured me. It was sweet to hear him say such kind words. "You go meet your parents. I'll get out of your way."

He was at the door when I spoke up "you must be curious about last night?"

He turned and gave me the most reassuring smile I've ever received.

"I'm very curious. I think this is the most curious I've ever been but I see how difficult it is for you to talk about the things I'm curious about so I'm gonna restraint from asking question. The thing is, I'm more terrified than curious. I'm scared that if I push you too hard you'll push back and I might lose you forever. I'm not willing to take that risk because I wanna be in your life very much so. So instead of spiraling and overthinking I'm going to do the adult thing and wait patiently. I'm going to respect your space and wait until you're ready to tell me about whatever you wanna tell. It is hard for me to have so many questions but I know it is harder for you to answer them."

I wanted to hug him and never let go. He made me feel so precious and special. He respected my decision, my life. It was the most selfless any guy has ever been with me.

"I want to tell you things. I'm just not there yet.." I said.

"Yeah well, like I said I'm an adult here and giving you your time. As much as you need." I smiled at him "Now you go and meet your folks, I'm gonna go and plan how to get you to have lunch with me. We're still on, right?"

"Yeah sure, considering you're gonna lose."

"I got three days. I'm crafty. You'll see."

I chuckled and he chuckled looking at me. He said his goodbye and left but my smile didn't. I felt lucky and grateful. It was a nice feeling.

After David left I checked my phone. There were texts from mom, dad, Liam and Jenny. I sighed and read every message. They were all concerned about me. It made me feel so guilty having too cause my family so much trouble. I read the last text from my dad saying he's flying out for the business meeting I had. I was supposed to fly out today but I forgot and made a whole scene yesterday so now my dad has deal with business. I felt guliter than ever. I decided to visit my mother immediately and apologize to her profusely.

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