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David's POV

I stood there, watching her leave. I couldn't just walk away. I stood there, hoping or maybe waiting that she would return. It was stupid but before she left I saw a hint of something in her eyes and I wanted her to come back so I can see it nicely.

I sighed and started walking towards my home but my mind was occupied by this weirdly amazing woman. When she fired me, I was sad, not because I lost the job but because I lost the chance to know her more and then tonight when I saw her again, I felt a little less sad. It is weird, uncomfortably strange feeling.

She's a complete wreck. I don't know what happened but I can tell. She looks perfectly fine from the outside but inside, it is all a mess. I can see how much she tries to hide, and be brave, which I admire so much. I've always considered such woman as a cautionary tale, ran in the opposite direction but something about Ashley has had me gripped from the beginning. I can't seem to let go of it.

I inserted my key to open my door but to my surprise it was already open. I entered to see the two most important women of my life sitting on the couch and chatting. Giving my key to my mother and my sister was a bad idea.

"I gave the key in case of emergencies, not just for dropping by unannounced." I said as the two ladies turned their attention towards me.

"It was an emergency. I came by to see if your kitchen was stocked." Mom explained.

"I just tagged along. Haven't see you in a while. The kids miss you"

"I miss them too. I've been busy. Sorry" I turned to my mom. "Mom, you live on a farm and you hate driving. So, what's the real reason you came by?"

Layla got up and got herself and me a beer. I opened the cap and took a seat next to her.

Mom sighed "fine. I came by to drop a number for you. You would love her. She's a dancer and extremely flexible, if you know what I me-"

"Oh God no. Don't finish that sentence. You gotta stop setting me up. I can find my own dates"

"Yeah, we know. We've seen them. Real classy" Layla commented and I rolled my eyes.

"I understand but still think about it. Now, what's with all of these boxes?" Mom asked.

"He's moving. He got a new apartment" Layla answered for me.

"How did you know?" I asked

"You called my husband for help. He sold you out. Why didn't you tell me?"

"Or me?"

Both the ladies cornered me. I was going to tell them after I moved. I didn't want to make a big deal.

"I was going to. It's no big deal. It's just a few streets up. Not far from here"

"Why are leaving this place?" Mom asked.

"My lease is almost up and my owner wants to renovate this apartment. He wants to make it more family friendly."

"You know, you could just meet a nice girl. Marry her and be family perfect. This way you wouldn't have to move."

"Or I could just move. Seems easier."

"Yeah, great, keep deflecting. When will you settle or be be anything close to settle?"

"Mom, I'm too tired to have this conversation. Write it down and text me. I'll look into it." My mom glared me. Obviously.

"What happened to your new job?" Layla asked trying to change the topic.

"Got fired"

"Why did you sleep with her?"

"What? No, who do think I'm? It just got a little bit complicated"

"So what now? Still gonna work at that coffee shop?" Layla enquired. This was starting to feel like an interrogation.

"You still working there?"

"No, yes, the point is, I got a new gig. I'll be starting soon. Please, ladies, stop worrying."

"You know, David, your aunt and I are really worried about you. We want you to meet a nice girl and have a happy life. A family and all of the joy and happiness."

"Mom, I'm happy and I've plenty joy. I'm not having this conversation again and again. It is getting irritating now. Just let it go, okay?"

I got up but she started talking again. "What happened to me isn't going to happen to you. Look, I know what your father-"

"Mom!" I snapped and she went quiet. I hate fighting with my mother but this conversation just makes me furious and everytime the same example as to why she thinks I'm not ready to settle. "My decision has nothing to do with your life. I'm not ready. Plain and simple. Just stop pushing, okay?"

I put the beer on the coffee table and started walking to my room.

"David, come on, you know what she meant." Layla tried to explain.

I sighed "I know" I turned to my mother "I'll think about calling that girl you were talking about" she smiled, I smiled "Just think, okay?" She nodded happily.

"You can go sleep your ass off. We'll lock up after leaving"  Layla said and I nodded.

As soon as I entered my room, I crashed on my bed. I was exhausted and after having that dreadful conversation, I was more exhausted. I understand my mom's point of view but I don't feel ready. I don't even believe in the orthodox marriage crap but I've had an open mind. Maybe later in life, I'll feel ready but right now I'm not.

Even though I had a tiring day and I could hear my mother and sister giggling outside, my mind drifted to Ashley. I couldn't get her out of it. I kept thinking about how she can't keep eye contact, or how she shifts a little when she's uncomfortable or bothered. I never notice such thing, let alone think about it but that girl bothers me so much that I can't seem to figure out.

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