Thirty Nine

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Ashley's POV

Someone was shaking me. I was sleeping peacefully until someone started shaking me, trying to wake me up. I groaned and saw David.

"What is it? Everything okay?" I asked

"Yes. Perfect. I want you to get dressed. Quickly."

"Huh? Dressed for- what's happening?" I saw the clock on the side table. It said four o'clock.

"We can't miss it."

"David, it is four in the morning. I can't" I tried to go back to sleep but he pulled me up.

I grabbed a t-shirt and a sweat pant. I didn't know what he was talking about and I didn't care either. I was too sleepy to give a damn.

I put my hair in a pony tail and came out. David looked excited for whatever he was planning so early in the morning.

I kept following him. We walked through the farm until he found the spot he was looking for and stopped. David kept looking at his watch. I sat down on the stack of hay. I rested my face on my palms and tried get some shut eye.

"Hey, don't fall asleep. You'll miss it."

"Don't care. I've no idea what I'm looking for so I'm pretty sure I won't care if I miss it."

"Oh come on, just a little while."

I nodded and opened my eyes waiting for whatever we were waiting.

My jaw dropped when I saw what I saw. It was the most beautiful sunrise I've seen in my entire life. The sun looked so real and the sky was so clear, I could literally see the sun rising above. I was witnessing morning happening in motion. I've seen sun rises before but this was something I never experienced. It was exceptional.

I looked over at David. He was looking at me. God, the way he looks at me sometimes. He has now given me both the moonlight and the sun rise. I don't think I could ever ask for anything more precious than this. 

We sat there. It was comfortable. The silence wasn't deafening. I always related to falling in love with the book version of romance but I don't think you realize you love someone until you do. That is what makes it special. I don't think some light goes off in your heart. There is no loud, screeching noise inside of you. I think it is much more calmer, quieter. One day you're just sitting in silence, watching someone admire something beautiful and in the midst of everything you realize. That's it, you love him. You realise that's exactly where you wanna be.

"Did I ever tell you why I like you?" I broke the silence.

"Because I'm charming and I quite literally smothered you into dating me?" He raised is eyebrows.

"Yes, that for sure but there is more to it."

He laughed. "Tell me."

"You made me appreciate the little things again. I think I had forgotten how to find joy in little things, like watching a sun rise. You helped me find me. You even help me discover new sides of me. That's why I like you." I wanted to say love but it was terrifying.

He leaned in and rest his head against my forehead. I could hear him breathe. I never thought I would be grateful for something as much as hearing him breathing. It calms me every time.

He placed a gentle lingering kiss on my forehead. It was very heartfelt.

"I'm glad.." he whispered.

"Why didn't you tell me about your dad?" I asked the question I've been holding on since yesterday.

His expressions changed. His eyes turn cold hearing about his dad.

"I wasn't trying to be secretive. I just didn't thought it much. I haven't talked to my dad in years. He isn't a part of my life. He cheated on my mother and left us. I was going to tell you eventually."

"Is this why you said you were angry at the world?"

"Uh. Yeah. It was long time ago. My dad left, my mom was a different person. I was having a hard time. It is all over now."

I nodded. I didn't say anything. Nothing I'll say will be comforting. I can't relate to what he went through. I just felt bad he had to go through it alone.

"Everybody has something they tend to run away from. This is mine. I'm sorry I didn't tell you, I think I wasn't ready to have that conversation. I still kinda am not." He added and that I understood, I can relate to running away. I'm too running away from my own past.

"It's alright" I took his hand into mine.

"But we could go and get something to eat. I'm starving."

I looked at my phone "I'm too but it is still kinda early."

"Oh I know just the place."

As David drove to the place I fell asleep. I was sleepy and a little tired.

"Hey sleepy" David nudged me

"Hey, we reached?" I said, my voice low. I was still in a little bit of sleep.

"Woah, that voice is sexy" David whispered but I heard him. I smiled.

"Come on, sleepy. I'm starving."

I looked at the place where we were. It was a cute little diner.

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