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                        I didn't remember when I started sleep walking as I found myself inside a car with my head on the steering wheel. I lifted my head which felt heavy like it would fall off anytime and found the rear of the car crashed against a wall.

'Did I even start to sleep drive? That too very badly' I thought, feeling apprehensive.

I removed the seat belt, opened the door and stepped out. I felt nauseous on standing so I stooped down. A man came rushing at me.

"Debbie..Debbie..look at me. Are you alright?" said the man.

'Has the entire world gone insane? Why this green-eyed man is calling me Debbie?' I wondered.   I felt something strange about my body. It didn't feel hardcore like it used to be. It felt very delicate like it could break anytime. Then a horrible truth dawned on me. I stood up to see myself on the car window.

I was heart-broken to see myself dressed like a girl. No, I actually turned into a girl, that too as DEBBIE INGRID.

More than the accident I encountered, this fact was killing me from inside. The green-eyed man was mourning on something, that I didn't bother to listen.

"Who are you?" I said and he stopped his mourning, astounded.

"Debbie are you suffering from short term memory loss? I am Sean, your neighbor! We met just now!" exclaimed Sean. He added" I knew something like this would happen if I let you alone, and that's why I came rushing to the garage. Come on I'll take you to the hospital." 

"No, thanks. I'll go to the hospital after Stan comes." I said.

" Who is Stan?" said Sean puzzled.

I cursed myself. I forgot that I was Debbie. My memory failed me whenever I needed it the most.

"Sorry, when Luke comes." I managed.

"As you wish. Let me at least take you home." said Sean, holding my hand to help me up.

I disliked when people tried to have physical contact with me, so as usual I yanked my hand away from his hold, which offended him. I decided to walk towards Mayfair and took two steps from the place where I stood. My entire sixty-two lower extremity bones failed me and my legs collapsed.

Before I could kiss the ground, Sean caught hold of me, by my waist. My nervous system was in the vulnerability of collapsing with abomination. I would've gladly fallen to my death.

"This wont work" said Sean and carried me in his arms. I was drained of stamina to struggle with him.

Though I was in a girl's body, a man carrying another man of his own age, was really gross.

Sean carried me inside a lift and thank heavens, there was no one inside to embarrass me. The elevator door opened on the second floor and the second floor corridor was also empty. He walked past five doors and stopped before the sixth door on the right side. Finally he dropped me. I tried to open the door, but it was locked.

"You must enter the password for it to open." said Sean

He was right. The door demanded a password that I didn't have the slightest idea about. I kept staring at the keypad and Sean realized that I didn't know the password.

"If you want, you can wait in my flat untill Luke comes" offered Sean.

"Do you think I don't know the password, of my own house?  Thank you for your offer. You could go back to the flat of yours." I said gesturing him to go away.He felt vexed and humiliated.

The Incomer : Hated by death ✔ Where stories live. Discover now