The Apology Dinner

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[Debbie's PoV]           

It was dusk when we reached home. The Mansion House was glowing in bright chandeliers. As I got down the car, a girl carrying heavy grocery bags crossed the road. She covered her face with a veil. I've been with people who disguise themselves while going out, but that girl seemed peculiar.

As she walked past me, one of her bag tore and all the groceries inside that bag spilled on the pavement. Luke took the car to park in the garage, so I was the only one who stood there. A ketchup bottle rolled towards my foot. I picked it and helped her to get the things in the other bag. In the mean time, I tried to get a look at her face but she pulled her veil even lower.

"Its you again! Who are you?" said Luke sulkily as he came out of the garage.

"Have you met her earlier?" I said

Leaving the remaining groceries on the pavement, the girl ran away with her other bags.               'Why disguised people are always running away from me?' I thought. After she ran away, I found a mobile phone along with the groceries she left, and picked it up.

"You scared the hell outta that girl! She has left her mobile" I said, showing the mobile to Luke.

"You don't know anything about that girl. I've seen her following me wearing that veil of hers. First I thought she was just a fan, but now I don't think so. She has followed me till here. Not even a acquaintance of mine knew that I lived here. Think I should report her to the police." said Luke worried.

"No don't. She doesn't seem to be notorious." 

"You didn't even look at her. How could you judge like that blindly?"

"Just a gut instinct. You could judge people without even looking at them."

"I am the writer here but you are the one who speaks comical" smirked Luke. I tried switching on the mobile she dropped, and found that it didn't work.

"The mobile is dead. That's why she didn't care about it while running away" I said

"Just throw it aside" said Luke, but kept it in my pocket. We both took the stairs due to my elevator sickness. Luke entered the password as we reached our door.

"Luke you must change the password. Since it is my birthday anyone could guess it easily." I said, remembering how Zeev entered the flat.

"Actually in these two years no one knew that I owned this flat except Adelaide. You were dead according to everyone so they wouldn't have guessed. Also it was easy for me to remember. Any other number, I would've forgotten and you would've been locked up inside. Now many of them know so I'll change it as you said" said Luke

Luke switched on the T.V and kept the news channel. I tried to read the news scrolling below but my vision turned foggy as I tried to read it.

"Luke, why I couldn't read the news in the T.V" I said.

"Sorry Debs" said Luke and darted towards his room. He came back with a black framed spectacles and gave it to me. As I wore it, I was able to read the news clearly.

"Its been three years since I saw you with glasses. Sorry, is your head hurting?" said Luke

"Its alright. Actually these glasses give me a nerdy feeling." I said

"You were a nerd"


"You both were. You and Della were great hackers. Della hacked professionally and you just hacked my social website accounts after guessing my password." mocked Luke

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