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                           Clasping my hands, I was waiting anxiously for the door to appear. The white walls of the room were enough to kill me. As an actor who had a tight schedule, idleness didn't help me. The blank room was interesting at times, when Debbie was there along with me. To be honest, my life was very boring, until Debbie came. Though I've not seen her much, she meant a lot to me. She even gave me the experience of living as a girl.

Seriously, I have to accept, a girl's life is arduous. When I started to act, I didn't like to draw everyone's attention while walking on road but girls face that bravely everyday. The only mistake that every woman do is, they are not fixed on their decision. Even in important matters of life, women couldn't stay on one decision . They manipulate every possibilities and finally end up in the wrong path.

But Debbie didn't falter in any of the decisions she made and she was extraordinarily brave. If I had woken up in such a unknown place, and someone tried to assault me, I would've been dead.

In the midst of my thoughts, I didn't notice the fissure that appeared on the wall behind me. On hearing the sound of the door being opened, I turned behind. I was astonished to see Debbie, who entered the room colorless. Her cheeks were flushed and her eyes were damn tired. She staggered at the door. I helped her in and shut the door.

I sat her down but she was not able to sit. She hardly opened her eyes.

"What's wrong Debbie?" I said, holding her arms.

"You have a great sense of irony. Just look around and ask the same question again" smirked Debbie,  in an insentient state.

"I asked what's newly wrong"

"Zeev I think I deserve this punishment. I let my friend die. How can I expect to live a happy life? But what sin you've done to get this punishment along with me? You don't deserve to be here. Zeev, go out, live your life and never come back. Anyways I am going to die soon. If someone must stay back while the other is outside, let it be me, forever." said Debbie and I immediately closed her mouth.

"What nonsense you're talking Debbie? Sin? It is because of my virtue in this entire lifetime, that I've entered this place and met you. Here look at me. Tell me what happened. Who made you like this?" I said.

"You are not talking to the real Debbie, Zeev. The real Debbie is kidnapped outside, so without my body, I am weak."

"What? Kidnapped? Are you hurt?"

"They made me to pass out, so I don't know what happened after that. I hope Stan's alright"

"Don't worry about the tough guy. He served the army long back and faced wars in a young age, so this isn't a challenge to him."

"I must go back. I'm wasting time." said Debbie. She got up and limped towards the door. I caught her wrist and stopped her.

"Have you forgotten? Since you've come in, it is my chance to go" I said

"Don't be mad Zeev. I won't leave you. If you go out now, you would obviously enter my body. I've been kidnapped outside. I lost a friend already. I don't want to lose you."

"No, you won't. " I said, looking into her eyes. I moved closer to her, then backed up immediately. Debbie looked flustered. I had no idea why I did that.

"Do you believe me?" I said and she nodded, "Then give me one chance, I'll get you out of this problem" I said

" Then would you make a promise?" said Debbie.


"Be alive"

"Promise" I said with my thumbs up.

I held the door handle.

'Its gonna be an action scene in the movie except, the villains are real and they won't hesitate to kill you. That's all, nothing's more dangerous' I consoled myself.

Slowly I opened the door and left to the action scene.


Could you guess why there is a sudden change of character in Zeev?

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