Stabbed at the back

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Zeev wasn't much shocked when he woke up inside a car, which was obviously not his. He was used to such situations. So he didn't want to waste time for agitation and immediately got down the car.

Zeev usually used to wake up inside alien worlds and apocalypse but that time he was relieved to find himself in a residential area. He was surrounded by houses and apartments where normal people would live.

From the GPS in his mobile, he found that he was in Greenwich. The previous day, himself, Luke and Stan were talking about Greenwich, before Zeev passed out on Della's confounding entry. Before he could perceive one surprising event, he was given another right then. He felt that his life was filled with surprises.

Peculiarly, the streets of Greenwich invoked nostalgia in Zeev. The fresh breeze, the tall trees, the wet roads, the smell of fresh baked bread and the hourly strike of the church bell, all felt too familiar to him.

As he walked towards the end of the street, he found the name board of the street. He walked closer to read it.


Zeev felt that it was not the first time he was reading that board. Impulsively he walked straight and took left to the Welland street. He didn't know where he was going but he knew he was going in the right way. He kept on walking, and the street came to an end.

He knew that he came to the right place. To his right was a huge white bungalow. Thought the building was huge, there was no guard to safeguard that place. The gate was also not locked, so he opened it and walked along the lawn, which led to the main door.

The lawn was wet and slippery with dew. As a mild breeze blew, the trees around the lawn rustled softly. In the midst of his nostalgia, his mobile rang. It was Stan. Zeev attended the call with a sigh.

"Zeev, where are you? Are you alright?" said Stan

"Yeah I'm fine. I'm in Greenwich right now." said Zeev

"Greenwich? How the hell you got there?"

"I don't know. I woke up inside a car and now I'm standing in front of a huge white bungalow, which I find irritatingly familiar."

"Huge white bungalow? According to Luke's description yesterday, it must be Zack's house"

"Is Debbie alright?" said Zeev

"Still passed out. So I thought you would be out somewhere. Just hold on. I'll be there soon." said Stan.

Zeev felt that it was not only Zack's house as he felt a strange connection towards it. The door of the bungalow had no keyhole. He just turned the handle and the door opened as he thought. He walked past the vestibule to the stupendous living room. One would've been baffled by its breath-taking architecture but Zeev was disgusted, as every nook and corner of that place brought bad memories to his mind.

Zeev found a pistol on a table in the living room. He took the pistol and found it heavy. There was a symbol of a black hawk on its handle, which passed shivers down his spine. He kept the pistol in his pocket.

The sound of a car came from the gate. Zeev thought it was Stan and peaked out through the window of the vestibule. Standing before the gate was the same car from which he woke up. He felt apprehensive that it might be the inhabitant of that bungalow, who was a black hawk.

Zeev immediately ran and hid himself inside a room. He heard the sound of someone whistling. After a minute the whistle stopped.

"I know someone's inside. If you don't want to be killed, come out" said the man coolly. Zeev had a feeling that he had heard the voice just a few days before.

He wasn't scared after hearing that voice as he felt that someone wouldn't hurt him. Holding the pistol in his hand, Zeev daringly faced the man.

"Who are you?" said Zeev pointing the pistol towards him.

"Zeev! What a pleasure? You don't know who I am?" said the man turning towards Zeev.

Zeev was horror-struck. His face became red and his hands started trembling on seeing the man. He realized why the man's voice was familiar to him. Standing before him was the green-eyed man from Debbie's apartment- Sean.

"Sean?" yelped Zeev

"Sean? You remember me as Sean? I thought you got back your memories and came to see me!" said Sean

"What are you talking about?"

"I wanted to congratulate you on your success. Thought I thought you were wasting time, I sincerely wished that you would succeed. But what are you giving back to me? A bullet on my head?"

"Why are you with Debbie? Are you planning to kill her?"

"Nice guess, but you are wrong. I've been protecting Debbie for years." said Sean and Zeev's mobile rang. It was Luke.

"Go on. I have time for you." said Sean. Zeev attended the call.

"Zeev, is Debbie with you?" said Luke panicked.

"No Luke. But she'll be alright." said Zeev and was about to cut the call

"Zeev wait, I wanted to tell you something." said Luke

"What is it?" said Zeev annoyed.

"Della knew who tried to murder Debbie"

"Who is it?" said Zeev listening intently

" It was her friend Zack. That day Debbie was back stabbed by him." said Luke

Zeev recalled a memory from the day when Debbie was kidnapped. The man who kidnapped her said 'Let's ask Zack before doing anything'. He realized the truth.

"Does she know where is he now?" said Zeev

"That's the most astonishing part. Zack was a black hawk and now he lives at our next door with the name Sean." said Luke

"Thank you for the information Luke. Don't worry, he won't come back anymore." said Zeev.

"Any last words Sean? Sorry Zack?" said Zeev pulling the slide of the pistol

"Look behind you" said Zack

Zeev turned back and found a gun pointed at his head.

"Put the gun down Zeev" came a voice from behind the gun. Zeev was not astounded to have a gun at his head, but definitely petrified on hearing the voice.

"I said, put the gun down Zeev" came the voice again.

Zeev found Stan standing behind him, holding a gun at his head.

"Stan?" said Zeev. Stan hesitated to point the gun at Zeev.

"Sorry Zeev" said Stan and knocked Zeev's head with the handle of the pistol.

Zeev saw a stream of blood running on his face before he lay on the floor.


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