Starting over again

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"Don't forget Zeev .....Don't forget Zeev ...

Never ever forget him. He has sapphire eyes, and he is the warmest person in the world."

Debbie chanted those lines repeatedly as she woke up startled by a nightmare, where she was shot to death. She did that whenever she felt lonely and gloomy. She didn't know why she kept repeating those lines in her mind, but she felt secure on reciting it.

In the first place, she didn't know who was the Zeev she thought about. Not even a memory or the slightest idea arouse in her mind when she heard that name. Her anxiousness to find Zeev kept increasing, but she couldn't even get a clue about him.

She tried asking people around her, but no one knew someone with such a strange name - Zeev. She browsed the name in the internet and found that the meaning of Zeev was live wolf. 'Parents these days. Why would they name their child as a live wolf?' sighed Debbie.

She buried her head under the pillow and the scar on her forehead started throbbing in pain. She was always suspicious about the occurrence of the scar. Luke said that she slipped in the bathroom and hit her head on the faucet, but Debbie wasn't convinced. She sensed a unpleasant memory behind the scar, which was not just slipping in the bathroom.

Debbie stood up from the bed, wore her glasses and looked around the room. The walls of the room looked abominable, because of Debbie. The name 'Zeev' was scribbled all over the walls, in different colors. Whenever she went crazy on thinking about Zeev, she would take something in her hand and scribble on the walls. Luke and Della thought she became mentally disturbed after her head was hurt in the accident and fixed appointments for her with psychiatrists.

She checked her mobile, and there were twenty missed calls from Della. Della became a nuisance in the past few days. She and Luke were planning to get married the following year. Debbie wanted them to get married in a nearby church, but they planned to have a picturesque wedding at Hayman Island, Australia. Debbie loathed the idea of traveling half the globe, just for a wedding ceremony but participation in the ceremony was a must for her as she was the only family for the groom, and only friend for the bride.

As Debbie held her mobile in hand, it rang for the twenty first time, obviously from Della. Debbie attended the call with a sigh.

"Debbie what were you doing? Did you ignore my calls purposely?" yelled Della. Debbie held the phone a foot away from her ear as Della's wails were unbearable.

"Today is Sunday and the first day of the year Della. I haven't slept for a whole week. I've been sick from morning. How do you expect me to work?" retaliated Debbie.

"I'm really sorry Debs. Take rest. I won't disturb you." moaned Della. She was really an expert on pulling off pitiful acts which moved people's hearts.

"I'm fine. What you want me to do?" said Debbie

"Do you remember Ernie?" said Della, switching back to her bossy mode.

"The red haired Mexican guy who worked in our office?"

"Yeah, its him"

"He's working in the White House. Do you want me to fly to U.S?"

"No, try to listen before talking. He's right now in Westminster on vacation. He's staying at Hotel Cafe Royal at Regent Street. Could you meet him personally and invite him for the wedding?" ordered Della

"Are you insane? There is still a year left for the wedding!" yelled Debbie

"It would be difficult to meet him later. I would've done it myself but I have lot of works right now. My head is about to explode. Please do this one job. I love you. Bye." said Della and hung up.

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