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"Are you coming or not?" yelled Debbie, in her mobile.

"I really want to, but I'm not allowed to leave in the middle" said Zeev, from the other side.

"Zeev, Luke's my brother. If you had considered him and Della as your family, you would've come, no matter what." said Debbie

"You guys are my only family Debbie. But the situation here is completely different. Please try to understand." pleaded Zeev

"Fine. Just stay there and live with the camera" grunted Debbie and cut the call.

It had been ten months since she saw Zeev. Meanwhile Debbie became the C.E.O of WT. Zeev couldn't be idle at home, without doing anything. So he again entered into the acting field. He started as a stunt artist in Hollywood, and after a year he got the chance to act as a main role in a movie. But at the same time, Luke's marriage was arranged, at Australia. So Zeev got caught up in his schedule.

Debbie stood at the Hayman Island shore, staring at the bright green sea which was sparkling in the sunlight. Wind roared across the shore, pulling Debbie's short hair over her face, hiding her watery eyes. Luke's marriage was an important occasion in Debbie's life and she couldn't stand the fact that Zeev wouldn't be with her for Luke's marriage.

"Fight with boyfriend, huh?" sighed Della, who stood next to Debbie. The next day, first day of twenty eighteen was her marriage. Though she seemed to be calm and collected from outside, she was trembling with nervousness on the inside. Debbie was able to see through her apparently.

"You're going to marry the man whom you've known for ten years. What makes you so nervous?" said Debbie

"You don't know what it feels like now. You'll understand when you get married." said Della

"My groom would be so busy to come for my wedding, so I won't feel it." said Debbie. Della chuckled.

"You know, being around you makes me feel comfortable. That's why I want you to be by my side tomorrow" said Della. Debbie was appointed to be Della's bridesmaid the next day.

Suddenly, Luke came running towards their direction.

"Whoa..Luke slow down. There's still a day left for the marriage" smirked Debbie.

"It's not that. Della, Max is sick" said Luke, panting.

"Oh no. What do we do now?" panicked Della. Max was Della's cousin, a college student, who was supposed to be the groom's man for Luke.

"What about your friends Luke?" said Debbie

"They'll be here only by tomorrow morning. There are lot of chances for them to be late. We can't take risk by depending on them." said Luke. Their marriage ceremony was arranged for morning six, the time of sunrise at the Hayman Island. The sunrise on the first day of a new year was a metaphor to signify the beginning of their lives. It was Luke's idea, whose literary knowledge was put into practice.

"Seems to be a serious problem. What do we do now?" said Debbie.

"How about me?" came a familiar voice behind Luke. Debbie was frozen to see Zeev standing behind Luke. Finally after ten months, she saw her Zeev. Zeev's hair was grown like before, falling over his face. His sapphire eyes were glowing, reflecting the sea.

"I don't remember inviting you for the wedding, Mister. Who are you?" said Debbie

"Me? I'm the brother-in-law of the groom. I don't need an invitation to attend my brother-in-law's marriage." said Zeev, winking at Debbie.

"Whoa. That's really cool!" said Della, amazed.

"Della, I want to attend a funeral before your marriage." said Debbie

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