The First Date

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Last chapter of The Incomer: Hated by death

[Zeev's PoV]

I remembered everything! First I felt happy about it, but then I realized that it was my punishment, instead of death. I remembered everyone but no one remembered me. Not even a single soul in the world had an idea that I exist. They forgot the Zeev Storm, whom they cherished once upon a time as a great actor.

The people aside, my own brothers didn't remember me. When I woke up inside my flat at Mayfair, no one was around me. Zack and Stan suddenly turned into patriots. On searching for them throughout the country, I found that Stan rejoined the Britain army and Zack joined the police department. I tried to approach them, but they ignored me like I was a stranger. Only my wealth and properties were along with me, which was also a punishment, as wealth could be miserable when there is no one to share it along. Thus, I lived like a walking corpse.

I didn't meet Debbie, as I knew she also wouldn't remember me. Though I knew, I didn't want to believe that, so I lived with a false belief that Debbie has not forgotten me, and she would come back to me one day. Instead, the ring that I wore on Debbie's finger came back to me, I didn't know how. Death must've hated me very badly, as it didn't take me along when I chose for it.

I decided to move away from my home and pretend to forget everything like the others did. So I sold my apartment and stayed in a hotel for a few days. But that also didn't help. The memories kept haunting my dreams so I decided to leave London. I booked a flight ticket to Germany for that day night.

I vacated my room and was about to leave to the airport. But fate decided to play a game in my life. I came back to the hotel room, as I forgot Debbie's ring. I picked the ring from the room and took a last look of Mayfair through the window. The door of the room opened, and as I turned, she stood there.

It was not a dream or a hallucination. It was really Debbie. She stood before me, beautiful like always, with her hazel eyes sparkling. I wished inside that she should remember me.

" are" said Debbie, and my hopes were dragged down to the ground. A lump formed in my throat. I couldn't reply anything except, "Zeev Storm"

I couldn't restrict myself. I ran to her and embraced her tightly.

"I missed you so much" I cried. I felt her body shivering due to her wet shirt.

"But who are.." began Debbie, but before that I closed her mouth with my hand.

"I would leave soon, so pretend that you know me very well, till I leave" I pleaded. Then I realized that Debbie couldn't endure the cold, "Sorry. Go inside and change. I'll wait for you."

Debbie nodded and she ran into the dressing room. Within ten seconds she came out wearing a yellow sweatshirt.

"Where have you been?" said Debbie. Anxiousness was spread all over her face.

"Just searching something" I replied

"Did you find it?"

"Yes. But I don't have the right to own it." If I had talked anymore, I would've burst out, so I opened the door of the room, planning to leave.

"Shall we meet again?" said Debbie. My fingers turned white as it tightened on the door handle. I didn't turn back.

"We shan't. I'm leaving London today." I said vaguely and walked out of the room, banging the door behind.


My bill wasn't prepared, so I was asked to wait in the lounge. My mind was insisting me to run for Debbie and hold her tight.

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