The Mysterious accident

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[Debbie's POV]

The Beaumont street was crowded just because of the library. Stan parked his car in a hotel, at a safe distance away from the eyes of the public. We both covered our faces while walking in the street, as Stan was famous and I... was probably dead three years ago.

The Marylebone library was quite huge. On entering, we saw portraits of artists and works of the renaissance period on the walls of the library.

"Hey Stan, one day even Luke's portrait would be on this wall, right?" I boasted, with pride welling up inside my chest.

Do you know what is the only benefit I received from my brother? He was useful for showing off before others.

"Let me not be alive to see that" said Stan vaguely.

"My brother is worth of having a portrait in this library" I bragged, maintaining the majestic smirk on my face.

"Stop boasting, hot potato. Zeev has already given his measurements to Madame Tussads. His wax figure would be standing inside Madame Tussads by new year." bragged Stan

I cocked a derisive eyebrow at Stan, "Really? Who's boasting now?"

Stan waved his hand in dismissal. "You did it first. Well don't forget the reason why we came here in the first place. Where do we go now?"

"Journal section." I pointed upwards, "That's where the newspapers are kept"

We took the stairs to the journal section which was on the second floor. As expected Sean was inside. I waved at him. He strode towards me, his eyes glinting with delight.

"Did you come alone? Where's Luke?" said Sean

"Luke left early for work, so I brought my friend, Stan." I said. Stan pulled off his hood and smiled at Sean.

"Is he Stan Grace? Zeev's brother?" said Sean. The glint in Sean's eyes disappeared in a snap.

"Sean are you alright?" I said, blemished by his eerily spontaneous transformation.

He wore a mask of gaiety over his astonished expression. "Sorry. I was stunned. I didn't know how to react. Nice meeting you Stan." said Sean and extended his arm. Stan thought for awhile before doing the same.

The journal section was colossal with old and dusty newspapers of centuries in huge stacks. Tables were arranged between the stacks. Sean took us to the last table where he had a bundle of newspapers.

"Recently we cleaned the journal section. We used to clean it rack by rack. When we cleaned the rack of twenty thirteen, I found these newspapers. The name Ingrid, struck me with familiarity so I read the entire article. Only after that I came to know, you were Luke's sister." said Sean giving the newspaper of October fourteen, twenty thirteen.

"Turn to the second page. The news was on the right side ." said Sean

I turned to the second page and found the picture of a disfigured car towed from a river.

"That's your car, towed after the accident" Sean pointed the car, which I was staring at. "It is dented on this side so another car or something must've hit the it from this side and pushed into the river."

"I thought so" agreed Sean.

"What river is it?" I asked without moving my eyes from the paper. It had magnetic effect on my eyes as well as my brain. The scene was so familiar that it had previously sponsored few flashes to her nightmares.

"The longest river in London, The Thames" said Sean, "You and your friend were reporters right? So you would've gone for the inauguration of the Thames bridge which was on the same day."

Stan's face grew scarlet red.

"Stan are you alright? What's wrong with you men?" I initially planned to comfort Stan by patting his back, but I was taken away by the article that I didn't notice the comforting gesture turning into a violent abuse. I actually slapped Stan's back.

"Ouch..Yeah, I'm fine Debbie" lied Stan, but I didn't object.

Instantly my eyes moved to the article in the paper.


London: Two reporters, Della Johnson (24) and Debbie Ingrid (21) met with an accident at the bank of river Thames, on the day of inauguration of the Thames bridge. The person responsible for the accident ran away after leaving the car on the accident spot. Their car was found inside the river but their bodies were missing. Rescue operations were carried out immediately but they were not found. Investigation is carried out by detectives and the search for their bodies is carried out on a large scale throughout the river.

"Rest of the papers say that there was no improvement in the case and finally it was closed by declaring it as a accident." Sean said, as I completed reading.

"Why someone would want to kill us?" I said, with tears threatening to fall at the rim of my eyes. Stan's face got redder and redder like it was about to explode.

"Whoa! Both of your faces look really bad. Wait, let me bring you some water." Sean walked away to fetch water.

"Hey Stan. Why are you like this. I'm scared" I said. His face was sick red.

"Debbie, do you know one thing? I met Zeev for the first time only on the day of your accident." said Stan sternly.

"What? I thought you knew him from childhood! Anyways it would've been a coincidence" Though I was stunned as the situation demanded me to be, I tried my best to change Stan's perspective.

"You don't understand. The same day, I met him on the bank of the Thames river, where he lay unconscious! " Stan swallowed hard. The gravity of the situation dawned on me. My forehead started sweating and my hands trembled.

"Do you think someone tried to kill both of us?" I said, squeezing his hand in reassurance.

"I hope so" said Stan, "And that someone may come back anytime to get you both".

"What do we do now?" I fretted. Sean came back with two glasses of water.  I used his methodology of switching emotions.

"Time to go Debbie" said Stan and without giving me a warning, he darted from the journal section.

"Hey where are you going?" said Sean but before that Stan rushed past him.

"Sorry Sean, he had to leave immediately on a work. I'll call you after reaching home" I said and ran behind Stan.

"Be careful" screamed Sean from behind.

Stan ran blindly jostling everyone on the way. I ran after him, panting. How could he expect a patient to run that fast? We reached the road. On the opposite side of the road was the hotel where Stan's car was parked. Stan, who was sprinting like an athlete, crossed the road first without looking back.

Before I could cross the road, a huge jeep stopped before me, blocking my way. I thought of going around it but before that, two masked thugs got down from the jeep and caught hold of my hand.

"Stan" I screamed

I was not sure whether he heard it. Before I could shout again, the thugs shut my mouth with a cloth. The cloth smelled of a familiar drug, which made my eyes droop. In a trance, I saw myself carried into the jeep.


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