Chapter 7

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~Rythian's POV~

I lay in my dark prison, constantly struggling to break free as Zoey talks to me. "Rythian, we all miss you. My parents, Teep, even Minty! But especially me. Rythian, I miss you. Please come back." She says. I fight and fight, but, as usual, nothing happens. I try to groan in defeat, and suddenly Zoey gasps. "Rythian?!" She exclaims. I try to fight harder, groan, make any noise or movement, but nothing else happens. I lay back in defeat. "Maybe I should just give up this struggle. Its getting me nowhere anyways, I'll just be stuck in this prison, I can't move, see, only hear Zoey's beautiful voice. I am about to fully give in when Zoey speaks again. "Rythian, we need you. The king and queen need you to protect me, the guards need you to keep me out of trouble. And I need you, Rythian, I need you. I need you to be by my side again." I think for a while. I can't leave Zoey, but what use am I like this? I can picture my body, laying on a bed in Minty's ward, not moving other than my chest rising and falling, hooked up to machines that keep me alive. And Zoey, sitting beside me, talking. What use am I in that position? I can't protect Zoey like this, and my hope is failing that I will ever be able to.

I am pulled from my thoughts by Zoey's hand grasping mine, and her voice enters my head again. "Rythian, I know that I miss you, and that I need you. But neither of those really describe my feelings for you. Rythian, I think that I love you." I take in a sharp breath, and suddenly my world is filled with bright light as Zoey's face comes into focus above mine.

She gasps and pulls me into a hug. "Rythian!" She exclaims. I hug her back, smiling. I hear a door open, and Minty runs into the room. "I heard a scream, is everything okay?" She asks worriedly. From her position, she probably can't see me, so she doesn't realize what happened. "Minty, everything is better than okay! Look!" Zoey exclaims, moving away from me. Minty sees me and smiles, running over. "Rythian! You're awake!" She says happily. I smile under my mask. "Did you really think I'd leave again?" Minty smiles and Zoey laughs. "Of course not. I just need to disconnect the various machines from you, and you two can go tell Lomadia and Xephos. Hold still, Rythian." Minty says. I sit completely still as she removes something from my arm that somehow kept me alive. She does this a few more times until all of the machines are off and I am free. Zoey stands immediately, grabbing my arm and pulling me out of the bed. I stand, and Zoey pulls on my arm again, causing me to crash to the floor.

"Zoey, be careful! Rythian just woke up after 2 weeks, he's unbalanced!" Minty exclaims, running over to help me stand. I smile and Zoey pulls me along, more slowly this time. Minty's words register in my head, and I stop suddenly. "Wait, Minty, I was out for 2 weeks?!" I ask, unable to keep the surprise out of my voice. She nods and frowns. "I wasn't sure if you were ever going to wake up. At first, you seemed to be fighting, because the heart monitor was going crazy. But it seemed as of late that you had given up." I frown as well. "I almost did." I say honestly. "But Zoey's voice kept me from giving in." Zoey stiffens beside me, and I nearly laugh. "Zoey, I heard everything you said during those 2 weeks. Your words kept me sane, and brought me back." She smiles and starts pulling me again. "Rythian, let's go! We need to tell my parents, and Teep, and Queen Nano, and the mushrooms, and Ravs, and-" "Mushrooms?" I cut her off. She turns to me and smiles. "Mushrooms can talk to me, they kept me company while you were, er, gone." I smile and shake my head. "Brilliant." At that, she takes off down the hall again.

Zoey barges into the throne room without hesitation, and I smile as I walk in behind her. "Zoeya, what are you so excited about?" Lomadia asks, obviously not noticing me. Xephos did, though, because he points to me, saying, "Lomadia, I think I know why she is so happy." I come to a stop next to Zoey and bow. Lomadia and Xephos smile as I straighten. "Rythian, you are okay! Welcome back." Xephos says. "I'm glad to be back, Your Majesty." I say, smiling. Zoey smiles wider, then frowns, turning to me. "Rythian, what was Lalna talking about in that letter? What did you do in his kingdom before you came here?" I can see Xephos and Lomadia stiffen, and I probably do as well. "Zoey, I don't feel that this is the correct time to tell you about my past. I'm going to say that my mother committed a crime, and leave it at that for now." I say simply, watching the king and queen relax. "But Rythian, if your mother was alive then, what happened to her? What about your father? What made you an orphan?" She asks. I stiffen again, obviously enough that Zoey can see it. "My father abandoned my mother and I when I was very young, I haven't seen him since. And my mother..." I pause, feeling tears come to my eyes. "My mother was executed for her crimes." I have barely registered the shock on Zoey's face before I am running out of the door.

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