Chapter 26

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~Rythian's POV~

I am sitting next to the nameless boy when there is a knock on the door. I stand and open the door, revealing Queen Lomadia. She smiles and grabs my hand, pulling me out the door. "Rythian. Just the boy I need." She says. I shake my head, trying to pull away. She stops and turns to me. "I would assume that you are required to do what I say. So I suggest you do it." She says sternly. I nod, and she releases my arm, leading me down the hall. We arrive outside a door I am very familiar room. Lomadia opens the door and walks inside, and I shut it, locking it as I scan the room. My old room. I see Lomadia, but next to her stands none other than Princess Zoeya.

Zoeya seems as shocked as I am. I immediately drop my head, looking at the ground. "Rythian, look at me." Lomadia says, and I have no choice but to comply. I try to avoid Zoeya's eyes, though. Lomadia sighs. "I don't care what Xephos says, I am not treating you like a slave. Zoeya is right, you should be treated like royalty. This darn prophecy is ruining everything for you two, and Xephos is bent on keeping you apart." Zoeya and I look at her in shock. She knows about the prophecy? Lomadia smiles. "Xephos tells me most everything. Rythian, your mother was not killed for the silver, or the accused murder. They killed her because they realized that you were the boy of the prophecy and wanted to see how you reacted." She is silent as her words register in my head. I growl under my mask, and a purple flame appears in my palm. Lomadia backs away slightly, but holds her ground. "I wish I could have told you sooner, but I needed Seta's help." She explains. Okay, now I'm really confused. Zoeya must be as well, because she asks what I can't. "Seta? Don't you mean Rosie?" Lomadia nods. "Same person. Have you ever wondered why, if the prophecy had only one princess, there are two?" We both nod. "I'm very sorry, Rythian. Rosie and Seta are the same girl, but she is a double agent for our cause. She pretended to be Rosie pretending Seta. She is actually Seta." She explains. What? "Wait, so Seta pretended to be Rosie pretending to be Seta?" Zoey asks. "Exactly." Lomadia replies. I'm so lost right now, I don't even know. "Brilliant." Zoeya mutters under her breath. I smile at the use of my little phrase. "So who's side is she on?" Zoeya asks her mother. Lomadia things for a moment, then shrugs. "Ours, I think. That girl is an amazing liar, I honestly have no clue if she works for me or for Xephos."

Zoeya and I share a look, and I extinguish the flame I forgot I was holding. "So, which side do you work for?" Zoeya asks Lomadia. "I'm the head of a group of people who want to end the ban on mages. Seta is one of the many mages and regular villagers who are part of the cause. I married Xephos to get closer to the man who banned mages, trying to make sure that Rythian never got to Zoeya. Obviously, that didn't work." She says, smiling. Her face quickly turns serious, though. "We are trying to end slavery, and get Xephos off the throne. However, if we succeed, Zoeya will no longer be a princess. So we need a better plan." I think for a moment, and a plan forms in my head. But how do I tell them?

I look around the room, and I am shocked to see my journal, the one I gave Zoeya ages ago, on my old bed, next to where she now sits. She kept it? I walk over to her, and she picks up the journal. "I read a little bit of it, but I felt like I was trespassing on your life, Rythian. Even though I thought that you were dead, I still couldn't bear to read it." She says, handing me the journal. I flip through it, stopping on the second to last entry and reading it.

My birthday was yesterday, I know that he will be back for me soon. Today, tomorrow, I don't know when. But I do know that Zoey will know the truth when I am taken, whether I tell her or Xephos. And I know that she will hate me then, think of me as the monster I know I am. She doesn't know why I've been distant, but I have been thinking, hard. I know that it is futile to have feelings for her, because even if she feels the same way, she will have to marry a prince, not a servant. And that is all I am, a simple servant with a big job. I'll be dead before Zoey is 18 anyways. I can't help but wonder; when the time comes for my arrest, even though I know there is no hope of my second escape, will I fight?

I flip the pages again, thinking. I didn't fight, and I let my brother get killed because of it. Zoeya and Lomadia are silent as I open the book to another page, from when I was 17, a few days before the last entry.

It is almost my birthday, and I am filled with fear. What will Zoey do when she finds out the truth. Will Xephos tell her, or will Lalna? Will I? So many questions fill me with fear, so many questions with no answers. What I do know is that I have fallen deeply in love with someone I can never have. Princess Zoeya. But if I am going to die, when will I ever have the chance to tell her? I'll give her this book. I don't know how, but ne day I will make sure that this journal, with all of my thoughts, falls into her hands, and she can see what I truly was like. It will be the only thing I can give her, the last thing I own that is truly mine. I lost all chances of freedom, of a normal life, that day when I was seven. I lost my family, my friends, my hope, my innocence. I'm so full of regret now, because today if exactly ten years since my mother died, since I lost all hope. And I know, today, that the only thing keeping me from ending my life, as penance for the ones I destroyed ten years ago, is the girl I've fallen in love with. The only thing keeping me alive is Zoey. Too bad that I'll be gone when she finds out.

I stare at the page, reading what I wrote only a few months ago. Has it truly been that short of a time? I flip back to the back of the journal, finding my last entry. I start reading it, and I sink onto the bed next to Zoeya. No, next to Zoey.

Today is a day I have been dreading since my feelings for her became evident. Zoey's 18th birthday, the day she chooses her husband. Well, she can take as long as she wants, but whenever she chooses, the wedding is the next day. That is what I'm truly dreading, her marriage. Because I will no longer be needed, and I'll be sent back to the streets. Back to where I belong. And I will most likely be caught again, my mark discovered, and back to the slave trade I go. I hope Zoey takes her time, knowing her, she will. I just hope that I am able to stay as long as possible.

I read my final entry and close the journal, putting my head in my hands. That same day, I was exiled because my love for Zoey was discovered. That was the day I gave my journal to Zoey and left Blackrock, for what I believed was forever. That was the day that I went to bed thinking of Zoey, and woke up knowing nothing but my own name. I turn to Zoey, miming writing. She hands me a pen from my desk, and I turn to the next empty page, starting to write.

I guess you still haven't made your decision about your husband yet, have you?

Zoey laughs. "Rythian, I knew who I wanted to marry when I was 10. He's tall, strong, smart, and powerful. He has brown hair and purple eyes, and he loves me more than any of us know, including himself. I made my decision years ago, and the only person I want to marry is you. Rythian, I love you."

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