Chapter 2

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Satisfied, Zoey smiles. "So, Rythian, how did you end up as a slave?" She exclaims. I frown. "Why didn't you tell your parents that I was the one who rescued you?" I shoot back. She frowns, mirroring my expression, though she can't see half my face. "My parents don't know that you saved me. The guard that took you away after the Enderman was killed took all the credit, and he was the only one other than me to see you. And most parents don't believe a 3-year-old." She explains. I nod. "Now, why the mask?" She asks. I frown. She shouldn't know about what happened when I was seven, where I got the things that hide behind my mask. "I cannot tell you that, princess." She nods, changing the subject. "What is that on your arm?" She asks. I look down, the mark that the guard gave me is visible beneath my sleeve. The guards use enchanted knives to make the marks, so they don't bleed, just scar forever. I pull my sleeve down, covering the star. "That is a story for another time." I say simply. Zoey looks frustrated, but she doesn't say anything. "You're apparently my bodyguard now, my last one was killed a few days ago by a dragon or something. Wanna see where your room is?" She asks enthusiastically. I simply nod, and she walks over to the door. I stand and follow her.

We walk one room over, to a room similar to Zoey's. She opens the door, and I follow her inside, scanning the room. I notice how dark it is, so I walk over to a lamp, trying to turn on the light with my cuffed hands. Zoey notices my struggle and pulls out a key, coming toward me to unlock the cuffs. I pull away, and she looks confused.  "We need to talk to your parents fist, about me staying. If they refuse, I won't be able to have these removed." I say, stepping toward the door. She nods and grabs my hand, pulling me back to the throne room.

"Do you vow to protect to princess until she has no need for you?" The king asks. "Yes." I say. I am kneeling in front of him, a guard behind me with a sword. The king takes the sword and touches each of my shoulders, smiling. "You are now the bodyguard of Princess Zoeya. You may return to your quarters." He says. I stand and put my wrists in front of me, and he raises the sword. In one quick movement, he brings the sword down, cutting the chain in half and separating my hands. I smile and bow, and he grabs my shoulder, dismissing the guards. We are completely alone in the throne room, and I am a little scared. "Rythian, what is on your arm?" I follow his gaze to see half of my scar showing. I sigh and pull up my sleeve, showing him the mark of a person he himself banned from the kingdom. The king stiffens when he sees the star-shaped scar, then examines my face. "Why isn't the mark on your face?" He asks. I smile under my mask. "Enchanted. I am the only one who can remove it. And I don't want people seeing what I hide from my past."

He looks uncomfortable, and I know why. He most likely knows the story, what happened 3 years ago in Prince Lalna's kingdom, where I lived at the time. The place I received what I now hide and where I was brought to the attention of all the kingdoms' leaders. King Xephos sighs. "Rythian, why exactly do you wear the mask?" He asks tiredly. "I don't want other people knowing my past, and I am trying to forget it by hiding it away." I say truthfully. The king smiles, and I know that I said the correct answer. "Do not, unless it is for her own life, tell Zoeya anything about your past, your magic, or magic in general. Understood?" I nod. "She has already seen the mark, but I refused to tell her what it was. Oh, and King Xephos?" I back toward the door, and he nods, confused. "That guard 7 years ago lied. He didn't save Princess Zoeya from the Enderman. I did." I smirk at the look of shock on his face and turn, my cape flying behind me as I leave the throne room.

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