Chapter 32

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I wake up to see Zoey's face hovering inches above mine. I flinch, and she leans back, letting me sit up. I discover myself on the ground of the tent that Zoey was sleeping in. I look at her in confusion while rubbing my neck, which is sore from sleeping awkwardly. Martyn pokes his head in, smiling. "I carried you in here, you fell asleep outside last night." I take a good look at him, realizing that he is back to normal. "I met with some friends late last night, and they found a way to get rid of InthelittleFrost." He explains. Zoey stands and grabs my hand, and I wince, pulling back. Martyn looks confused, and I realize that the sling holding my arm up is gone. Zoey must notice too, because she looks around the tent for some cloth. "Martyn, Xephos stabbed Rythian's hand. Minty was able to heal most of it, but he can't use it for a while. Do you have something we could tie it up in?" Martyn nods and disappears, returning a moment later with Toby, who is holding a piece of green cloth. The two carefully fashion a sling out of the cloth. When they are finished, my hand is resting against my chest. I smile at the two, then Zoey grabs my other hand, pulling me outside like she was trying to before. Toby and Martyn sit on the log across from us, and Zoey smiles. "I know where to have the wedding!" She exclaims. "We shall have it at Nilesy's castle. I mean, think about it. Either way, my father will know if we invite my mother. Here, he can get to us easily. There can be guards, on our side, of course, to stop him in Nilesy's kingdom. We will be much safer. And when the wedding is done, he won't be able to hurt us, anyway. Got it?" We all nod. Not like we have a choice anyways. When Zoey wants something, she will find a way to get it. "Now, to get to Nilesy's kingdom."

I find myself in a carriage only a couple of hours later, Martyn, Toby, Zoey, and Nilesy riding with me. We are all quiet, even Zoey, as we ride past Blackrock, trying to tear our eyes from the looming basalt castle but unable to look away. The place where I nearly died, did die, so many times, yet it is still my only true home. I look at the castle until it disappears from my view, and a new one appears. The marble castle of Springfeld. Lalna's kingdom. We stop outside the castle, and I see three familiar figures run out. Nilesy quickly opens the door, and I thank the stars that this carriage is fit for 10. Hannah, Kim, and Duncan- Lomadia, Nano, and Lalna- hop in, smiling. "I heard this wedding was finally getting underway." Nano says happily. Lalna just smiles, and Lomadia holds her daughter's hand as we ride off to our second-to-last stop: Railebro kingdom, home to Strippin and Benji. When we pick them up, I am surprised to see a familiar blond girl join them. "How's your hand doing?" Minty asks, looking at the new sling. "And if your wondering how I got to Railebro, its a long story."

When we arrive at Nilesy's kingdom, Minty and I quickly run inside, hoping to avoid being seen. "Rythian," she asks while we wait for the others, "what about the vows?" I shrug. I honestly have no clue. "Maybe you could write them down?" She suggests. I shrug again, and she frowns. "Well, we must figure out something, and quick. It will not take long for Xephos to find out that you're here. Wait." She suddenly goes quiet, straining to hear something. Without explanation, her face pales, and she grabs my uninjured arm, pulling me into a dark room. "Xephos. He's here. Now." She whispers.

My eyes widen as I hear Nilesy and Lomadia shouting. Another voice, Xephos, joins in, closer, and I shrink back, doing the one thing I do best: disappearing into the shadows. The voices get closer, and I hear a fourth voice join the chaos, a voice that silences the others. "In case you have forgotten, I'm 18. You can't rule my life anymore. I want to marry Rythian. I love Rythian. And there is nothing you can do about it." Zoey says defiantly, stepping into the throne room where Minty and I hide. Xephos, Nilesy, and Lomadia follow, and I look at Minty. "Strippin and Benji went to their rooms, they got away before Xephos got here." She says, guessing my thoughts. I see two more figures enter the room, a blond and his raven-haired mother. Lalna takes position next to Xephos, pretending to be loyal, while Nano takes Lomadia's hand, squeezing it gently. "You are right. I cannot control you." Xephos says, surprising everyone in the room. "However," he adds, "I do have control over Rythian seeing as he is my slave, and also said he would obey me himself. So Rythian, I know you're in here, come out, because the oath you swore when you said you would be Zoeya's guard details that you must obey me before all others, Lomadia second, then Zoeya." I freeze, and Minty shoots me a pleading look. I shake my head, and she tries to grab my arm, but I am too quick. I am a man of my word, and I will not disobey something I swore to so many years ago. So before Minty can stop me, I step out of the shadows, bowing my head.

"You know, Rythian, I think Lomadia had the right idea when she wanted to return you to the trade, when Zoeya first brought you home. I don't know what I was thinking, letting you stay." Xephos says, lifting my chin so I am staring him in the eyes. My hands are bound in front of me, a chain linking my arm to Xephos's. One look at it proved that it is magic, and he is the only one who can break it. Lomadia and Zoey are silent, but Nilesy is protesting. "I bought him from the trade when you sold him! The oath is void!" He exclaims. Nano and Lalna stand silently beside Zoey, Lomadia, and Nilesy, and I catch a glimpse of Minty behind them, looking at me sorrowfully. Suddenly, the chain is severed from my wrist. "You know, I always knew that you were the one. I'm glad that you proved it to me." Xephos says, bowing.

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