Chapter 5

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~Zoey's POV~

Is that who my parents were talking about? Teep turns and runs into the castle, and I quickly follow. I see Queen Nano, Lalna's mother, and a boy about my age leaning on her, as if for support. He is looking at my parents, who are shocked, and scanning the castle. His gaze lands on me and his eyes widen. He tries to run over to me, but trips and falls, taking me out on the way down. I stare into the teal eyes of the boy I have fallen in love with, and I smile, pulling him into a hug. Rythian.

We are sitting at the table. My mother is on one side of me, Rythian on the other. He is silent, and so am I. My mother and father are talking to Queen Nano, who's non-royal name is apparently Kim. They talk for a while, then realize that Rythian and I are completely silent. "Zoey, Rythian, would you like to say anything?" My father asks. I simply shake my head. "No, King Xephos. I am just getting used to seeing people again." Rythian says. We all stare at him in shock, and he smiles a little under that mask of his. "I guess I walked into this. I teleported away from Lalna's place the same day that I was kidnapped. He found me again and chained me to a wall. I was there for a month, and I never saw a soul, other than the occasional guard. I haven't eaten in a month, and had a drink in nearly that long." He says, looking down.

Without thinking, I lean over, pulling him into a hug. He hugs me back immediately, smiling. "Zoey, I missed you so much. I heard from a guard that Lalna told everyone that I was dead. Are you okay?" He pulls away from me and looks at my face. I frown and shake my head. "What happened to you Zoey?" Rythian asks. I look at Teep, and he nods, coming over. He points to his mouth, then to me. My parents and Kim gasp, and tears form in Rythian's eyes. "Please speak again Zoey, for me." I open my mouth and think hard about what to say. Eventually, a word makes it out. "M-Mushrooms?" I say, my voice raspy. Rythian smiles and pulls me into another hug. "There's the Zoey I know." He says, jokingly punching my shoulder.

Suddenly Rythian gets very pale. All the color leaves his face, his eyes roll into the back of his head, and he falls limp in my arms. I scream, and my mother and Kim gasp. "Get him to Minty!" My father yells. Teep picks Rythian up and carries him out of the dining hall. My parents and Kim look at me, but I am frozen, staring in shock at the place Rythian sat, just moments ago, unhealthy and weak but still strong in his own way. Without even acknowledging my parents or Queen Nano, I stand and run out of the room, in the same direction Teep took Rythian.

I arrive in the hospital thingy to see Minty helping Teep lay Rythian on a table. Teep bows and leaves the room, and Minty looks at me. "Will he be okay?" I find myself asking. She nods and smiles. "He needs nutrients, that's why he fainted. I just need to hook him up to a drip and he'll wake up soon." She explains, moving across the room and grabbing a weird medical thing. "How long is soon?" I ask, grinning. My definition of soon is like 3 minutes, hers is probably much longer. She stops what she is doing and turns to me, frowning. "A week at the least. A year at the most. Zoey, Rythian's body couldn't function with such a small amount of energy, so it shut down. Rythian is in a coma."

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