Chapter 19

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In the blink of an eye, a fist is connecting with my jaw. I fall backward, releasing Zoey in the process, and my head bangs hard against a rock near the fire. I scream as memories flash past me, and I suddenly remember everything. Xephos howls in anger at the guard that hit me. "You fool! Head trauma can give him his memory back!" He exclaims. I rise slowly, holding my head. "And you're right, it has." I say simply. Zoey looks at the tree that holds Martyn and Toby, and they jump down, materializing behind us, swords drawn. Zoey tosses me my katar, and Martyn gives her an iron sword. I point my sword at Xephos, grinning. "This is for taking my memory."

I run forward, toward Xephos. We are in our own little battle, fighting, blocking, jabbing, and missing. Zoey, Martyn, and Toby knock out each of the guards, carefully avoiding injuring anyone, including themselves. Xephos knocks my sword out of my hand, and I grab his, throwing it aside as well. We fight hand to hand, one going down, then the other. More guards come, more guards are knocked out by my friends. I hear a scream of pain, a feminine one, and we both turn to see a knife in Zoey's leg. Xephos and I abandon our fight to race to Zoey. I reach her first, Xephos is occupied trying not to kill the guard who injured her. "Zoey, are you okay?" I ask, carefully removing the knife from her leg. She nods silently, watching me closely. "Rythian, are you really back? Do you remember?" I nod, and she smiles happily. She surprises me by reaching forward and pulling me into a hug. "I love you, Rythian. Please don't kill my dad. You can hurt him, he kinda deserves that. But don't kill him." I nod. "I don't kill without a reason." I say, standing. Martyn runs over and helps Zoey stand, and I feel a knife against my throat. I quickly spin around, again disarming Xephos, and our battle continues.

He reaches out with his knife, tearing straight through my mask and into my cheek. I scream and fall to my knees, clutching the already marred flesh as it bleeds all over my hands. Xephos laughs evilly, and I swear his eyes glow red. He has completely lost it. I raise my hand, which is now glowing purple, to my cheek, willing it to heal. The flesh comes together, and the bleeding stops, but I know that I have a new scar to hide. I remove the rest of my mask, and Martyn and Toby's eyes widen, seeing my scars for the first time. My sword glows purple, and I create a forcefield. I shove Xephos against the wall, my blade to his throat. "I will let you live, for Zoey." I say, releasing him and dropping the forcefield. Immediately I know something is wrong. Martyn, Toby, and Zoey are all too quiet. I spin around, Martyn and Toby are unconscious and Zoey is gagged, a guard holding her back. She manages to free one arm, which she uses to point behind me.

Before I can even turn, I am grabbed from behind by two guards. They turn me so I am facing Xephos, and he laughs. "Rythian, Rythian, Rythian. You have made a grave mistake by trying to fight. I knew you were too good to kill. Instead of execution, I'll just make you suffer. So as soon as we leave here, you are going to the slave trade. Maybe sold to a merchant in Nilesy's kingdom? A royal in Strippin and Benji's? A slave to Prince Lalna himself? Wherever you go, you're life will be horrid, because of that little star-shaped mark on your arm. And I know that you've always wondered why I banned magic, why every kingdom banned magic. Well, let's just say that we don't want any competition." He raises his hand, palm toward me. It starts to glow yellow, and a bolt of magic shoots out, striking me in the chest.

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