Chapter 18

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~Rythian's POV~

I wake up in a green tent. I sit up and examine what I am wearing, black clothing, a necklace with an Enderpearl on it, and, strangely enough, a black mask that covers my lower face. I open the tent flap slightly, peeking out. I am in a forest. There are two other tents, similar to the one I was in, on either side of this one, and a campfire in the center of the camp. There are two boys sitting by the fire, a boy about my age with brown hair and a grey hoodie and an older boy with blond hair, a green shirt, and a white backpack on the ground next to me. I pull out the katar I found in my belt. These two don't seem dangerous, but I will not take any chances. I open the flap further, slipping outside. It is dark, the sun is just now rising. I walk over to the boys, and suddenly I am grabbed from behind. The blond boy stands, and I realize that the brunette is missing. He must have grabbed me. The blond looks at me sadly as I struggle. "Drop the katar. We are your friends, Rythian." I drop the red dagger in shock. This boy knows my name?

"Rythian, I am Martyn. This is Toby." The blond boy says, gesturing to the boy now seated next to him. I am sitting on the log across from them, my hands bound behind my back. I might have tried to kill the boy "Toby" after he released me, I still don't trust these two. "You used to work at a castle as a bodyguard to a princess. You developed feelings for her, which was punishable by exile. The king gave you an amnesia potion in a glass of water. Think. Have you realized yet that you do not have any memories?" I search my brain, and realize that the first thing I remember is the tent I woke up in this morning. Everything before then is there, but indecipherable. It seems to be covered in a thick fog of sorts. I turn back to Martyn and nod. He sighs, turning to Toby. "I was your friend when we were younger. We both lived on the streets together, then you were caught to be sold as a slave. That's when the princess found you. You saved her life years ago, and she repaid you by saving your life on numerous occasions. Her name is-" Toby is cut off by a red-haired girl bursting into the clearing. She glances at Martyn and Toby, then her eyes fall on me. She runs over to me, a huge smile on her face. "Rythian! You're okay!" She exclaims happily. Okay, now I'm really confused. "Ummm... Who exactly are you, and how do you know my name?"

Her smile drops, and she looks at Martyn. "I'm sorry Zoey, the potion already took effect. He tried to kill us earlier." He says, and I detect a hint of sadness in his voice. He turns to me, and points to the girl named Zoey. "This is the princess you protected, Zoeya. She prefers to be called Zoey." He explains. I look the girl over. She is quite pretty, actually... I can see why I apparently developed feelings for her. I hear a faint beeping noise, which seems to be coming from Zoey. She looks at her dress and gasps. "There's a tracker on my dress! I think my father's guards are coming. If they see Rythian, they'll most likely leave him alone. If they see Martyn and Toby, all three of you will die." She turns to my apparent friends. "Pack up two of the tents and hide." They nod and run over, destroying any evidence that anyone other than me was here. Zoey unties my hands. "Tie the rope around my wrists. I'll pretend that you found me and tied me up because you didn't know who I was. As far as you are concerned, I am the only person you have seen in any memory you have." She says frantically. I'm pretty sure she's a little crazy. Either way, I tie her wrists together and help her sit on the log. I grab my katar and put it against her throat, just as three guards and a man, who looks royal, enter the clearing.

Zoey starts crying, and I let my face slip into shock for a moment before returning to the unemotional mask. "Who are you, and why are you trespassing on my camp?" I ask emotionlessly. The guards look shocked, and the man is smiling. "Unhand the princess!" One of the guards yells. "This is a princess? She ran straight through my camp! I had no clue who she was, and she doesn't look like much of a princess!" I say. The man turns to Zoey. "Zoeya?" She cries harder. "I hoped that if I found him I could get his memory back, but he doesn't remember me! Father, why would you do this to Rythian?" She asks angrily. The man smiles. "Sir, what is your name?" He asks me. I hesitate. "Rythian Enderborn." I say. The man smiles. "Do you know who I am?" I shake my head. "I am King Xephos, and that is my daughter you have there. Do you know what the offence for kidnapping of a princess is?" He asks. "But I didn't kidnap her! She just ran through my camp!" I say. The king smiles. "Oh, but no one will know the truth. Also, look at your upper right arm." I lift the sleeve, keeping the sword at Zoey's neck. There are two long scars down my arm, and a star-shaped mark higher up. The king smiles when he sees the mark. "That star marks you as a mage, and magic is illegal in my kingdom. So, Mr. Enderborn, I am afraid that you are under arrest."

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