Chapter 34

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A few months later, I find myself standing in my bedroom with Lalna and Nilesy. "I can't believe you're getting married, Rythian!" Nilesy exclaims, adjusting my tie again. I smile, looking at Lalna, who looks uncomfortable. Niles follows my gaze, asking what I can't. "Lalna, what's wrong?" Lalna turns to us and frowns, shaking his head. "It's nothing." He replies, looking out the window again. Nilesy smiles. "No it isn't, Lalna. What's really wrong?" He asks again. Lalna sighs. "I know that you've forgiven me, Nilesy, but I can't tell if Rythian has. And I don't think I've forgiven myself." He finally admits. Nilesy ponders what Lalna said, then his face brightens. "You forgiving yourself will take time, Lalna, because you have to trust yourself. But I know that Rythian forgave you, he just can't tell you that. But he will be able to tomorrow." That's right, tomorrow. It's been exactly one year since I last spoke a word. One year since Xephos forced Minty to do an operation on me that was supposed to make me never speak again. Minty did the operation, but it will be fully healed tomorrow. And I'll be able to speak again, to say the one thing I've never said to the one girl that matters most. I love you.

I sit on my bed, looking at the tux on the wall. Zoey designed it herself, along with her dress, and I'm going to be wearing it later today. Yesterday was just a fitting, so I would know if it fit, how it worked, what it looked like against my skin. I'm not allowed to see Zoey's dress until later, but I've seen the design, and I know that it's beautiful. I stand, pacing back and forth as the sun rises. I don't sleep very often, I usually don't see a point. It's probably the magic's fault, but whatever. Today is the day that two very important things happen. Not only do I get my voice back, I get to be married to the girl I love.

A few hours later, there is a knock on my door. I open the door to see Zoey and Minty standing outside, both wearing radiant and excited smiles. "Rythian, you're gonna get your voice back!" Zoey exclaims. I smile under my mask, nodding, and she takes my hand, pulling me down the corridor. Good thing I already changed into my usual clothes. I really don't want to spend this moment in pajamas. We arrive in the throne room to see Xephos, Lomadia, and the other royals waiting for us. I bow to them, and Lomadia and Nano smile. Off to the side, I see Martyn, Toby, and Seta, smiling as well. Seta is a good friend of Zoey's now, and they work magic together a lot. I've fell victim to many time pranks thanks to those two, but if Zoey is happy, I am, too. Seta waves when she sees me looking at her, and I wave lightly back. Martyn and Toby make faces, and I laugh silently. Those two are both about my age, but they act so much younger. Maybe all I've been through made me grow up too fast, and I just act older than I'm supposed too. I mean, I am only 19 after all.

Xephos walks over to me, smiling. "Minty is going to completely heal your throat, and then you will be able to speak again. Please try not to move, because if you do you might make it worse instead of better." I nod, knowing that it will probably hurt at least a little, but that I've grown to be able to withstand small pain more easily. Minty puts her hand on my neck, her hand starts to glow, and pain shoots through my neck. I stand perfectly still as I feel my vocal cords fixing themselves, waiting for me to make them work again, to talk again. Minty steps back, smiling, and everyone looks at me expectantly. I turn, focusing my attention on the girl by my side, and open my mouth, saying my first four words in a year, and possibly the best words I've ever spoken. "Zoey, I love you."

She grins, hugging me tightly. I hug her back as the royals and my friends cheer. "Rythian is back!" Martyn yells excitedly, punching my shoulder lightly. "Did I leave?" I ask jokingly, happy to be able to speak again. He laughs, then shrugs. "Technically, you did a couple of times." I nod. "Guess you're right. Let's not go down that path today." I concede, waiting for someone to change the subject. "I can't believe my daughter is getting married!" Lomadia says, sensing my discomfort. Zoey smiles, hugging me tighter. "Rythian, I love you too." She whispers. I smile, pulling my mask down and kissing the top of her head lightly. "Let's get these two dressed." Minty says, taking Zoey's arm. Zoey steps back, and Minty pulls her away, Rosie right behind them. Lalna, Nilesy, Martyn, and Toby pull me away, and I see Lomadia and Nano following Minty and Zoey as I'm pulled back to my room.

I stand at the alter, trying not to flinch as people look at my scars that are for the first time, clearly visible. My mask is in the pocket of my suit, ready to be put on if necessary, not that I think it will. Toby is standing right next to me, then Martyn, then Lalna. Nilesy decided not to be a groomsman, instead electing to sit and watch. Zoey's bridesmaids are Minty first, then Seta. As the door opens, I have to work to keep my mouth shut as Zoey walks up the aisle, her arm linked with her father's. She looks absolutely beautiful in her dress, white with red-orange highlights that match her hair perfectly. She comes to stand next to me, and Xephos sits in the front row next to Lomadia. I smile when I see them, but I'm saddened as well. Neither of my parents are alive to see this day. No one in my family is. I'm completely alone.

"You may now kiss the bride." The priest says. I smile, pulling Zoey to me, and our lips touch. That's when something amazing happens. The area around us starts to glow, and even as we break apart, the light continues. I look around, realizing it comes from every royal in the room. Xephos, Lalna, Nilesy, even Lomadia and Nano are glowing, all the colors of the rainbow. Zoey is glowing orange along with the rest of her family. The light fades away, and all of the royals smile. "We did it, Rythian! My family can age again!" She exclaims. I nod, and we walk off the altar hand in hand. "We did do it, Zoey. We fulfilled the prophecy, and I'm married to the girl I love. This was destined to happen. I saved you, you saved me. We saved each other." I say, looking Zoey in the eyes. Then we say one other thing that's true for both of us. We love each other, but there is another thing that is true, something we realized at the exact same time, because we say it simultaneously. "You are my Savior."

I'm happy but sad to announce that Savior is over. There will be one more chapter, and epilogue, but then this book is over. I might do a sequel, if you'd really like it. But not for a while. I know that when I finished The Endergirl I said that I'd upload the sequel when this book was finished. But I'm wondering. Would you like that sequel, or a different book? I have a Yogscast and Area 11 fanfic I'm writing. Like all of my books, there is a little magic involved, but not as much, and it takes place in present day Europe. The book is called Insightful. So, would you like:

The Sapling Girl (A Yogscast Fanfic) ~Sequel to The Endergirl~

Mari's life is changed forever when the Elven War begins, and it changes again when she receives amazing news: her brother, long thought dead, is actually alive. When the War moves closer to her home, Mari has to get out, and she only has one place to go. Sent to find the only person that can help her, Mari sets off to find her brother. When she does, she gets more than she could have imagined, and realizes that only she holds the key to wining the Elven War- and saving her tribe. The Sapling Elves are falling, and Mari is the only one who can save them. But an old enemy of her brother's will stop at nothing to defeat this powerful young girl, even if it costs her life.


Insightful (A Yogscast and Area 11 Fanfic)

"No one knows about my eye..." 

When young Andi Clarke was only 3, her parents were killed in a car accident. Andi and her older brother were separated, her brother sent to an orphanage in their home town of Bristol, and Andi sent to an all-girls orphanage in Sweden, where the accident happened. Now 13, Andi tries to balance orphanage life with her part-time job and small YouTube channel, all while keeping the orphanage bullies at bay. But one day, her life is completely changed when she is adopted by a mysteriously familiar man. He is not all he seems, and when Andi discovers the truth, she is thrown into the world of her favorite people- the Yogscast. When a freak accident makes her realize the danger around her, Andi is determined to save her family, whatever the cost. And all the time, her brother is closer than she thinks.

Choose a book, and put your vote in the comments. One week from today, so, Saturday, April 19th, I will choose the winning book, and the first part will be released the next day. Thanks, and until next time, Seeya!

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