Chapter 8

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I run out of the throne room and straight into my quarters, shutting the door just before the tears come streaming down my face. My mother, why was she executed for such a small crime? She did nothing wrong! She tried to steal some silver from Lalna's family, but she never got away with it! Does that warrant death? But me... I deserve to die. I killed 6 people that day, my mother did nothing. She should still be alive, not me. I should have been executed that day. With that thought in mind, I write a quick note, placing it on my bed. There is a knock on the door, and  glance at the window, then the door. Should I leave, or should I stay. Another, louder knock sounds, and I turn making my decision.

~Zoey's POV~

I watch in shock as Rythian runs out of the room. I swear that I see the glisten of tears on his face, which shocks me even more. Rythian doesn't cry, he just doesn't. His mother must have meant the world to him. I turn to my mother, and she smiles. "Mother, what did Rythian's mother do?" I ask timidly. My mother stands and walks over to me, taking my hand. "Zoeya, Rythian's mother worked as a maid in Springfeld Castle. She barely got enough money to keep her and her son alive, and the two lived on the streets. One day, she was alone, and saw some valuable silver decorations. She decided to try and take them, so Rythian would have more food. She was caught with the silver in the castle, she never made it out. Lalna's father supposedly decided to kill her, just for attempting to steal some silver. That is what Rythian thought, at least, and has always thought." I look at her in confusion. "Wait, so that isn't true?" I ask. My mother nods and continues. "That day, a guard had been killed by an unknown person. Lalna's father blamed Rythian's mother for the death and had her executed for that reason. It was never proved that she killed the guard, in fact, another guard was later found guilty. But Rythian somehow never knew that." I simply stare at her. "Is there something I'm missing? Why haven't you two told Rythian yet?" My mother shifts uncomfortably. "Your father decided that we shouldn't tell him, because of Rythian's history, and that he is technically a convicted prisoner." At that, I turn from my mother and run toward the door, toward Rythian's room. "Where are you going?" My mother calls. I pause and turn to her. "To tell Rythian the truth." I say before running out of the room.

~Rythian's POV~

I quickly pick up the note, shoving it in my pocket. I then run to the door and open it to see Zoey on the other side. I hear yelling, which I recognize as her mother's, behind her, and her eyes widen. She pushes me inside and quickly follows, locking my door behind her. She then turns to me, anger all over her face. "Zoey, what's wrong?" I ask calmly. I can almost see the steam coming out of her ears as she replies. "WHAT'S WRONG???? WHAT'S WRONG IS THAT YOU'VE BEEN LIED TO FOR 8 YEARS!!!!" She exclaims angrily. I stare at her, confusion spreading through my mind. "Zoey, take a deep breath and calm down a little, please." I say. She nods and takes a deep breath. "Okay, now then, what exactly have I been lied to about?" I ask. She grabs my hand and pulls me over to a chair, pushing me into it. "Rythian, you're mother didn't die because of the silver." She says. Okay, now I'm really confused. "Zoey, how did you know why my mom died? And what do you mean?" She sighs and stands taller. "Rythian, my mother told me what you thought happened to your mother, then she told me what actually happened. A guard was killed the day your mother tried to steal the silver, and Lalna's father decided to blame your mother for it. She was killed for a crime she didn't commit, with no evidence against her. In fact, another guard was found guilty later."

I sit and stare off into space, thinking. I can understand why Springfeld wouldn't tell me, but I've been living with the Blackrock rulers for years, why have they never told me? "Rythian, my mother said that you were not allowed the information, as a convict." Zoey says, reading my mind. I frown, knowing the next question is inevitable. "Rythian, what did you do? Why are you supposed to be imprisoned?" I put my face in my hands. "Zoey, I can't tell you what I did, but know that when I turn 18, Lalna will most likely be back, ready to take me back to his kingdom." I turn to face her, my eyes most likely showing the grimness of what I am about to tell her. "And this time, I won't be coming back."

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