Chapter 29

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I drop Zoey's hand, looking down. Xephos walks over to me, grabbing my upper arm and pulling me roughly away from Zoey. "Zoeya, now that you know what will happen to Rythian, do you have a decision?" He asks. "No." Zoey says forcefully, causing me to smile. "Very well. Rythian, you are to stay in the dungeons until Zoeya makes a decision. With only one useful arm, you can't do much around here, so you will stay there, awaiting your punishments for the princess's indecisiveness. Come along, now. Zoeya, you will go with your mother." The women walk one way, and Xephos walks another. With a glance at Zoey's receding back, I follow Xephos to the familiar prison.

Xephos pushes me into a cell, and the door slams shut. I simply sit on the cold floor, thinking. Time passes, and I barely notice it. At some point, Teep comes into the dungeons, carrying a tray. Of course Xephos makes sure that the only guard that sees me is the mute one. Teep silently hands me the food, then points to the tray, making a turning motion. He turns and leaves the dungeons, but I smile. Xephos sent the mute guard, but he also sent the guard that was once Zoey's closest friend, and still is one of them. I take the food off of the tray, placing my dinner on the ground next to me. I flip over the tray to find a note taped to the bottom. I carefully pull it off, reading the queen's words carefully. 'Rythian, do not worry. Xephos believes that I am on his side, and I am trying to get him to let me take you. As a personal servant, of sorts. We will be able to make a plan. This is what we must do. We have to get Zoey, and get out. To Nilesy's kingdom, hopefully, or maybe to Strippin and Benji's. But whatever we do, we must act fast. Signed, H.' Well, I guess I just have to wait.

~Zoey's POV~

I walk away with my mother, and she leads me to my room. "Just stay here, I'm going to talk to Xephos." She says, leaving the room. I hear a click, so I stand, walking over to the door. As I predicted, I'm locked in. How cliché. Lock the princess in the tower, why don't you? I sigh and sit down on my bed, opening Rythian's journal. I read through his journal entries, noting the changes in his feelings. I feel like I am looking at a timeline that shows how his feelings for me grew. Frankly, it's kinda weird. I come to the last entry, the page he wrote our conversation on, where he said that he loved me. At the bottom of the page, a small note is written.

I will always miss you. I will always need you. I will always love you. ~Rythian

I read the words, thinking about them. Short and sweet, and isn't that what I said when he was in that coma? I told him I missed him, that I needed him, and that I loved him. Does he still remember that, after all these years? But he said he will always miss me, need me, love me. Does he think that something will happen to him, again? Or will something happen to me?

The lock clicks again, and my father enters the room. "I just wanted to tell you that your mother has convinced me to if you have not decided by tomorrow, after his punishment Rythian will be your mother's servant. He will stay with her wherever she goes, as a bodyguard of sorts. Also, you may see him now." At that, he disappears out the door again. I close the journal and stand, a smile creeping onto my face. My mother is quite smart, isn't she. And my father is just plain gullible. As a bodyguard, of sorts, huh? That's exactly what he said when Rythian became my personal guard, back when I was 10. It's only been 8 years, but it feels like a lifetime. I close my door softly, walking down the hallway toward the dungeons. I guess I'll continue his journal later.

~Rythian's POV~

The door clangs open, and I look up. Zoey runs up to the cage, and I watch as she is thrown back. "Is there a magic field?" She asks, watching as I nod. Her face falls, then she starts smiling again. That girl can never stay sad for long, can she. "Rythian, my mother convinced my father to let you be her personal guard! But not until tomorrow, and only if I don't choose a prince. I don't want you to be hurt anymore, are you sure that you'll be okay?" I nod, trying not to meet her eyes. Xephos was down here earlier, and he told me something I really didn't want or need to know. I think he was teasing me, because why would he kill someone so dear to him? I just hope he doesn't go through with it.

Zoey starts blabbering about something, and my thoughts drift. I find myself thinking about Martyn, and InthelittleFrost. I wonder how long he is like that. Will he be okay? I wish I could see him and Toby again. As I focus back on Zoey, I notice movement out of the corner of my eye. I turn, and Zoey turns as well to see what I am looking at. "Lalna. What are you doing here?" Zoey asks, watching as the blonde boy steps out of the shadows. "Fulfilling a request from my friend Xephos, of course." He says, smirking. He walks over to the cell and puts his hand through the bars, shocking Zoey. "Oh, the spell only keeps you out, no one else, Zoeya. Now then, what was it? Oh yeah." He mumbles something, and a blast of light shoots out at me, freezing me to the spot. "What did you do?!" Zoey exclaims, looking at Lalna angrily. "He'll be fine, the spell will wear off soon. Xephos wanted me to retrieve someone. So I guess you're coming with me." He pull out a knife, grabbing Zoey's arm. I watch, unable to do a thing, as the knife is brought down on Zoey's chest.

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