Chapter 4

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~Rythian's POV~

I am taken in a carriage to Lalna's castle, where he lives with his mother. He leads me to the dungeons, pushing me into a cell. "Welcome to your new home, Rythian." He says, leaving the room. I see a head of short black hair materialize, and I growl as Queen Nano, Lalna's mother, appears before me. "Rythian, I am not here to hurt you. Lomadia is one of my best friends, and I know how much you mean to Zoey. I promise we will get you out of here as soon as possible. The guards are on my side, Lalna is the only one who truly wants to hurt you or control you. When you get out of the cell, teleport to your forest friends. Stay with them until you feel it is safe. I will keep Lalna from following you." Without waiting for a response, she turns and leaves me in the cell. I think about what she said. I smile and close my eyes. When I open them again, I am back in Martyn's forest.

I see Martyn running over, and he smiles. "Rythian?! I thought you were with Lalna! How are you here?" He exclaims. I smile. "Teleportation has its pros." I say simply. He nods and pulls me to his tent. "What will you do? Its late, you are staying here for the night." Martyn says after explaining everything to Toby. "Okay. I'll stay with you two tonight, but I'm leaving tomorrow for the castle." I fall asleep in their tent, and I never make it to the castle. Because late that night, I am awoken by a battle cry. And before I can even begin to realize what is happening, I am being bound. Suddenly, a familiar face appears above mine, grinning evilly. "Hello, Rythian. Ready for your death?"

~1 month later~

~Zoey's POV~

'It has been 1 month since Rythian left. The day after he was taken by Prince Lalna, Queen Nano sent word that Rythian had been killed. I haven't spoken since Rythian's death, or left my room. I only eat because my parents put food next to the door for me. I just wish Rythian was back. I... I think that I love him...'

I read the entry to my diary. Rythian was killed by Lalna, executed privately for his 'crimes', whatever they were. Today is exactly 1 month since we received word of his death. 1 month since I have spoken to or seen anyone. 1 month since Lalna broke me by killing the one that I now realize I loved. I decided a few days ago that today I would finally see my parents again. I put on a clean outfit, brown leggings and a red top that matches my hair. I open my door and walk down the hallway. It is silent, and I am trying to keep it that way. I am barefoot so my feet do not make a sound.

I hear quiet talking from the dining room, my mother and father. "When will she be here?" I hear my father ask. "Later today, I think around dinner." My mother responds. "Isn't that in an hour?" My father says, more quietly. "Yes. I don't know when, but she said she'd be here today. And she always goes on her word." She says. I walk into the room, and they both gasp. "Zoeya!" My mother exclaims, hugging me. I cross my arms and frown, and she shoots a glance at my father, who sighs. "You heard that, didn't you." He says simply. I nod, and he frowns. "Zoeya, go out to the garden. Teep is there, and he really misses you." My mother says. I nod and leave the room, walking out to the garden.

Sure enough, Teep is standing there, picking some purple roses. He already has some red-orange ones in his hand, and I can't help but notice how well the colors go together. He looks up and sees me, then he smiles. I smile back, and we both just stand there in silence. Eventually he points to his throat and then his mouth, shaking his head. I nod, and he pulls me into a hug. Muteness, something we share. His on accident, mine on purpose. I refuse to talk to anyone other than Rythian, and since he can't talk to me, I can't talk to anyone. Teep is looking at something behind me, so I turn to see a black-haired figure walking through the front gates.

~Rythian's POV~

Lalna took me back to the castle, along with Martyn and Toby. We were all thrown into separate cells, and Martyn and Toby were released a few days later. But here I am, still in this cell. It's been around a month, I think, I have no way of telling time in this cell. I haven't eaten in since I arrived in this cell. News is that I was killed, everyone but Lalna and his guards think I'm dead, even Queen Nano. I look up from where I kneel, expecting to see another guard with some food I can't eat. Instead, the black hair of Queen Nano greets me. She looks just as shocked as I feel. "Rythian?! I thought you were dead!" She exclaims. I try to hold her gaze, but I am too weak, my head falls again. "What happened to you?" She asks. I open my mouth and try to force words out. My throat is very dry, so it is difficult to speak. "L-Lalna... H-Haven't eaten... In a m-month..." I manage to say. She gasps, and I hear clanging. Suddenly a pair of petite feet appear in my line of vision. More clanging, and I fall to the ground suddenly. I am picked up, and I see Queen Nano. She is holding me bridal style, walking away from my prison.

She goes up the stairs of the dungeon, and into what I assume is her and Lalna's throne room. "Duncan! What is the meaning of this?!" She demands from the blond boy sitting in the throne. Lalna's non-royal name is Duncan? I'll have to remember that. "You know what? I'm taking him back to Blackrock personally. And you, sir, are grounded." Queen Nano walks away and toward the carriage house. She finds a carriage and lays me inside, before getting in herself. She helps me sit up, and I lean on the queen as we ride from Springfeld to Blackrock.

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