Chapter 20

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I feel electricity course through me, and I scream. So this is what being electrocuted feels like. Huh, never really wanted to know, did I. Xephos laughs as he puts his hand down, and I fall limp in the arms of the guards holding me. I see Xephos's boots enter my field of view and I try to lift my head, startled when I fail. I try to move anything, but nothing happens. Xephos pulls my head up and I stare at him, since I can't seem to do anything else. He reaches forward and closes my eyelids, shutting me into the darkness.

I feel myself fall to the ground as the guards release me. I hear a horrified gasp, which I identify as Zoey. "What happened to him?" She asks her father, who laughs. "Oh, dear, you'll have to learn to live without him. I did not kill him, only paralyzed him. It will wear off once he gets to the enter-kingdom slave trade: in Lalna's kingdom. Say your goodbyes now, because you will not see him again; at least, not the same man." I hear multiple pairs of feet walking away, and three coming toward me. Someone picks up my head, placing it in their lap. Another person, or possibly the same one, grabs my hand. The final person, after some quiet discussion that I can't make out, opens my eyes again. I blink, happy to have regained that ability. Martyn, Toby, and Zoey are surrounding me, and I am resting on Zoey, her hand gripping mine. "Rythian, there is nothing we can do for you. Just... try to get sold to Nilesy or Strippin and Benji. They are very kind to their servants, and Zoey has the best chance to see you again if you go to one of their kingdoms. Good luck." Martyn says, standing. He salutes, then turns and disappears into the trees.

"Rythian, I know how strong you are. Enchant your mask again, don't let anyone see you. And be careful. If Xephos has magic, who knows what the others can do, especially Lalna. And if you are sold in Lalna's kingdom, Nano is your best chance at survival. Be careful, and I'll be here, hoping that you return." At that, Toby drops my black mask in my lap and disappears in the same direction Martyn went. Zoey just sits in silence for a while, and I feel a tear hit my chest. "Rythian, you were my savior on so many occasions. I will find a way to repay you that favor. I promise." She carefully picks up my head, laying it down on a log. She turns toward where the guards wait, and walks away. Right before she disappears into the forest, she turns back. "Rythian, I love you." She says, tears in her eyes as she disappears into the trees.

Four guards and the king appear, and he smiles. "Enjoy your stay in slavery." He says. The guards pick me up by the arms and legs, carrying my out of the forest. When we exit, there is a wagon waiting. They bind my hands with glowing chains, magic proof. My legs are also bound, and my mask is used as a gag. I am lying in the back of the wagon, 3 guards with swords accompanying me. Xephos and the last guard are in the front. At a sudden jolt, the wagon starts to move, away from Blackrock, and toward the end of my freedom.

We arrive after a long journey at Lalna's kingdom. One of the guards ties my mask around my face, hiding my scars. "I'm on your side, Nilesy is going to buy you." He says, disappearing into the crowd. I sit up, and a guard grabs me. I would normally be forced to walk, but I still cannot use my legs. I am taken to a cell, and my arms are tied around a pole. There are 3 other prisoners in my room, all much older than me. Before he leaves, one of the guards puts a knife to my neck, leaning to my ear. "You will not speak a word, or your tongue will be cut out of your mouth. Understand?" He whispers menacingly. I nod, and the guard leaves. The other slaves ignore me, and I ignore them. Soon the slave master comes and unbinds my hands, rebinding them immediately behind me. I am shoved out of the cell, and all the way to a platform in the town square. My feet are secured to the ground, and the bids begin. "Do I hear any offers of 500?" The auctioneer asks. People start yelling prices, and I frown. These people are yelling over how much to pay so they can buy another human, to use as who knows what. Disgusting.

Eventually the bidding goes down to two men. I feel my heart rise and sink simultaneously as I see them. One is a guard representing Nilesy's kingdom, but the other represents Lalna's. They are shouting price after price, but the amount between offers is lowering. Finally, the guard from Lalna's kingdom throws up his hands. "You must be very determined to get this slave, I have no more money." He says, walking away. The other man walks up to the stand and hands the auctioneer a pouch of coins. The guards release my feet, and the man who bought me comes over, grabbing my arm. He is wearing a helmet, so I can't see his face, but I recognize his voice as he tells me where to walk. The guard from earlier, who tied my mask!

We walk to a carriage, and he helps me inside. My hands are still bound, it is a protocol thing, I think. We ride in silence, and I watch the kingdoms flash by as we ride farther away from Zoey. Nilesy's kingdom, Lisarpole, is the farthest from Zoey's. Lalna's is right in the middle of the others, which is why public executions and slave trades take place there. We arrive at the grand gates of Lisarpole, and the guard helps me out. We walk to the castle, and right into the throne room. I look around, but it is completely empty. "Wondering where Nilesy is?" The guard asks, removing his helmet. My eyes widen as I take in the man who bought me, saved me from Lalna. Prince Nilesy himself.

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