Chapter 15

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~Rythian's POV~

I quickly push Zoey away and pull up my mask, watching silently as Xephos storms in, grabbing Zoey's arm and pulling her away from me. Two guards come up and pull me off the ground roughly, forcing my hands behind my back. A third guard unchains my hands, immediately handcuffing them together. Xephos pulls a struggling Zoey out of the cell, and the guards holding me soon follow. We are taken to the throne room, where Lomadia pulls Zoey, who is now crying, into a hug. Xephos is now holding a knife, and as the guard kicks my knees, causing me to fall, I know that there is no escaping death this time. Lomadia is holding Zoey back as Xephos advances on me, knife raised. I look down, unable to watch my death come closer. And suddenly, Zoey fights out of her mother's grip and runs over to us, standing in-between Xephos and I. "STOP!!!!"

Xephos shoves her aside and before she can reach me, the knife has gone through my stomach. The guards release me, and I fall to the ground, my hands still cuffed behind me. Zoey falls to her knees next to me, and I smile. She glares at her father, then realization dawns on her face. She grabs my arm and pushes up my sleeve, exposing the two long scars caused by the fight that saved her life. She turns to her parents and takes a deep breath, controlling her tears. "Why would you kill him? Mother, father, Rythian saved me from an Enderman when I was 3. I was about to get stabbed, but Rythian distracted the Enderman and got cut on the arm for it. Then the guards came and killed the Enderman, and his sword cut another gash in Rythian's arm." I feel myself growing weaker, and air doesn't come as easily. I gasp a little, trying to gather a full breath, and Zoey turns to me, tears streaming down her face. "Honeydew took him, and took all the credit, but Rythian saved me! He didn't have the mask then, either! I know its him, and you killed him! You killed my savior!"

The room gets darker, and I feel my eyes closing. Zoey surprises me by slapping my cheek, causing my eyes to fly open. Lomadia suddenly turns to Xephos angrily, then starts yelling orders. "Get Minty in here immediately! We need to save him!" She yells. The guards nod and two run out of the room. I scream as a wave of pain goes through my bleeding stomach. Zoey grabs my bound hand and pushes my sleeve up farther, exposing the little star that caused my death. "Rythian, you never told me, what does that mark mean?" She asks. I turn to Xephos, and he nods. "That mark shows that I am a mage. I use magic, Zoey, that is why I am dying. Partially because of the murders, yes, but also because of who I am. I killed those men with magic, Zoey. That's what makes me a monster." Before she can respond, I close my eyes, and the pain fades away.

~Zoey's POV~

Rythian closes his eyes, and his chest stops moving. I put a hand over my mouth, trying to stifle the sobs, but it doesn't work. I throw myself over his still body, crying harder than I ever have before. Suddenly Minty runs in, breathless. "What happened?!" She exclaims, then takes in the scene. She runs over and sinks to her knees beside me, pulling me into a hug. "Its okay darling. He's in a better place now." She says. I shake my head, tears streaming down my face. "He died thinking he was a monster. But I don't think he's a monster. I think he's an amazing, kind-hearted person. I... I love him. And he'll never know that." I say into her shoulder. "Oh, but he will." A voice says. I look up to see two figures standing on the other side of Rythian's body. One wears a mask, the other doesn't. That is the only way to tell the twins apart. The unmasked one spoke first, Joakim. And the second one, I recognize immediately. Rythian.

"Lomadia, Xephos, Minty, Zoey. I'd like you to meet my brother, Joakim." Rythian says. I study him more closely and notice that he is transparent, like a ghost. Joakim smiles, taking Rythian's hand. "We heard what you said, Zoey. And it is all true." Joakim turns to his brother, who is avoiding my eyes. "Rythian, you are not a monster, magic runs in our family. Those people were not innocent, they kill daily, sell people as slaves, hurt others for amusement. You are kind, you saved Zoey in the forest when you could have left her. You thought she was an ordinary girl, yet you still helped her. You've given yourself up countless times so others would not get hurt. Brother, you deserve a second chance. And by Notch's name, I will give you one." Joakim's hand starts to glow purple, as do his eyes. I look down, Rythian's body's stomach is also glowing. I watch in awe as the wound starts to heal. Rythian's spirit form starts to fade away, and Joakim smiles. "May Notch be with you, brother." At that, he disappears. The glow fades away from Rythian's body, but nothing happens. His body is still laying there, cold and dead. I take his hand, tears in my eyes. One of them falls and hits Rythian's chest, and something amazing happens. His chest starts to glow an amber color, like my eyes. The amber slowly turns purple, and in a flash of purple light, Rythian sits up. He pulls me into a hug. "Thank you," he whispers, "thank you for saving me. I may have saved you, but you saved me. Zoey, you are my savior."

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