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It was a brand new day, the next morning for it was officially my first full day of being a daddy...I ran through the house making sure everything was ready for when Johnny woke up...but I stopped myself as I remembered...Costa was with him, I crept into the living room to see Costa still sound asleep on the couch...but Johnny was wide awake...quite wrapped up in playing with his toes. I silently chuckled as I lifted him up into my arms, and took him to the kitchen as I prepared his bottle. As it was getting warmed up...I took Johnny into the bathroom and checked his diaper, only to be surprised that it was clean and dry...I kissed his forehead and told him what a good boy he was.

I put him on the bed and rushed into the kitchen to get his bottle out...I tested the temp of it, and when it was the perfect temp, I made a bee-line back into the bedroom and gave Johnny a silly dance while telling him that his baba was ready. Costa snuck in and watched at how I was handling my newly found responsibility...and he was very impressed at how much of a natural I was...I fed him, then as I put his bottle on the nightstand I lifted him up and reached for his burpee rag without looking and placed it on my shoulder...and began to rub and pat him up and down his back...he let out a few tiny squeaks...I told him that he could give me better ones than that...then I waited and he let out a loud and enduring burp...and said yes! that was more like it. 

Costa chuckled a little loudly on my silliness and as I turned around he snapped a picture of me and Johnny...then went up to me and said what a beautiful and Kodiak moment...loving new daddy with his little man. I laughed at my crazy brother and told him that he was just jealous, that I had a cute little baby and he didn't...Costa just snickered and said he had him all night...and now it was his turn to rest for he found out that Johnny was quite the night owl...giggling, and cooing all night long...and always and forever playing with his feet.

Costa asked me what I was planning on doing today...I told Costa that I absolutely had no idea...but, all I did now was that it wasn't going to be boring. Costa then reminded me that I needed to get proper baby stuff...I told him that was a definite fact...but just as I was getting ready to head out the door...I was pushed back in by my mom and JD...and their hands were full of baby shit...I laughed and asked what all this was. JD said baby boy clothes, toys, and bathing equipment. I told them both how much I loved them, and really appreciated them doing all that for me and Johnny.

My mom took Johnny from Costa and said it was time for the little man to have a bath...then to get him out of those nasty old clothes, and for grammy to put the new ones on she got for him....she danced with him all the way back into the kitchen...for she was going to bathe him in the sink...just like she used to do with me and my brother's when we were tiny. JD and Costa took all the toys and other clothes into my office that I was going to change into a nursery...and they both got busy and had it all cleaned out in twenty minutes. They had the baby dresser and all his toys and clothes all situated in his new room...but they wouldn't let me go in...for it wasn't done yet...all that was needed was a baby crib.

I told them I was going out and get the crib right now, and that I would be back as soon as possible...but by the way, my mom was humming and dancing all around the kitchen while playing with her grandson...I don't think she'd even care if I came back at all...I once again opened my door only to be yet again backed into my suite...with Klayton bringing in a baby crib...with a huge grin on his face and glimmering eyes under his sunglasses.

I asked him what in the hell was he doing here...and he said he came over as soon as he heard through Lynn, that the little guy was my son...and thought I could use a crib for him to sleep in...I told him with a chuckle that he read my mind...for that was all that was left...that I really needed...for my mom and brothers got everything else. Klayton walked around me and took the crib into the spare room and helped Costa put it together...then he came out and took his sunglasses off, and asked me where his godson was...I looked at him, and said with a grin, when did I make the decision of having him as my son's godfather...Klayton stuck his tongue out at me, and said I didn't have a choice...then went into the kitchen with my mom to see him...

Right when Johnny caught sight of Klayton he began to giggle and coo very loudly and slapping his hands splashing my mom with the water...she turned around to see who had her grandson in an uproar...she smiled at Klayton and said it had to be him, that gets Johnny all excited...Klayton looked at Dimitra and asked her when did he get named...I came up behind him and told him I named him right before introducing my mom to him. Klayton shook his head and said that it was the perfect name for the little man...Dimitra wrapped Johnny in his towel, and handed him to Klayton, and said for him to dry his godson up while she runs into the room to pick out his new suit to put him in.

When my mom came out she had, a baby outfit that she got from my store...and it said Daddy's Little Mindfreak on it...I chuckled as I saw her put it on him...along with a mini-Mindfreak beanie hat. I told her she was always thinking of the greatest things at just the right times...she turned to me and handed my son to me, and said of course she did...and that's what makes her mom.

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