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I told my son night one more time then turned off the hall light, and went back into my bedroom where Kc was sitting at the edge of the bed putting braids in her long black hair...I slid on the bed and made it right behind her and kissed her neck as I slowly began to braid the other side...she finally stopped and let me do it, for I was being very persistant. She asked me if Johnny was asleep, and I told her yes, and that he said for me to tell her nite mommy and that he wuved her.

Kc giggled at me when I said it like a toddler...then she kindly asked me why Johnny all of a sudden started calling her mommy...I shrugged my shoulders and said I had nothing to do with it...that it was all him, and that my son was very smart, and knew what he wanted without me having to tell him....when Kc heard me say that she looked right at me and said speaking of telling....what was it that I wanted to ask her about?? Then she added rather huffily...that I made her wait long enough...and that she was no longer going to let me worm my way out of it this time...suddenly she jumped on top of me and pinned me down, and ordered me to tell her or else...

I told her while laughing that them was fighting words there...she just told me to bring it on big boy...and just for the little moment she actually intimidated the hell out of me...I told her oh hell no...I wasn't going to get my ass kicked...after she found out that I wasn't going to fight back, she let go and instead began tickling me...for she knew I hated that...but when she did it...I secretly loved it. After a little more friendly rough-housing, I told her she won this time...and she slid off and said she knew that was right...and now she wanted her prize.

I reached over and kissed her, and told her how much I really loved my Kc Kitten...even though sometimes her claws were extremely sharp...she looked at her nails, and I told her metaphorically speaking as I was chuckling. She gave me one last playful slap...then she told me to move over, and she slid under my arm and snuggled up to me in the bed...I held her very close to me as I reached over and turned out the light...Oso and Chicklet were outside sleeping on the porch as it was too hot in the house for them. And of course, Hammie was sleeping with Johnny. 

I rolled over and face Kc and told her I loved her very much...she looked straight into my eyes and said she really loved me back...then we shared a few very intimate kisses...then I decided now was the time to ask her my question...beens tomorrow was October 11th...my baby's birthday. So I turned away from her for a moment, then turned back around and had the engagement ring ready...and slowly went to her ear and whispered if she'd accept my terms of engagement with her...she looked deep into my eyes and as tears came out from hers, she very emotionally said yes...I gently placed the ring on her finger then kissed her hand and told her how happy she makes me feel every moment being with her.

Kc kept looking at the ring and then at me as if saying she couldn't believe I loved her enough to want to spend my life with her...she cuddled even closer to me, and what an amazing, talented, and perfect man I was...I kissed her forehead and told her that she brought it all out of me...then I told her goodnight, and we stayed snuggled up together and almost fell asleep before she asked me when the wedding should be...or did I want to wait and just be fiance's for a while...I giggled and told her that I would say yes to her whenever she wanted to go down the aisle...the room was silent for a while then she said how about we get married for Johnny's birthday...so he could really have a mommy for his birthday present...I looked at her in the darkness of the room and told her that was a great idea. And that Johnny would be ecstatic to get a mommy for his 2nd birthday.

Meanwhile, back at Costa's house, Rachel was having a little premature scare hit her, and woke Costa up and told him she needed to go to the hospital...for she felt like something was wrong with the baby...Costa was up and dressed in a flash, and carried her out to the car, and rushed her into the hospital doors and asked for a doctor to check out his wife...a doctor came in 10 minutes later and gave her a quick look over and assured them both that the baby was fine and wasn't due til December sometime.

The doctor then added that some first-time mothers get to feeling that way and it was very normal...but it was always best to come in when you feel that internal instinct, just to check it out...then said that she and the baby were just fine and that she could go back home...Costa thanked him under such short notice...then took her back home...Rachel apologized for getting up so late...but he just kissed her very sweetly and said to always tell him and he'd do it for her and their baby every time...for it was better to be safe and sure...then very sorry and heartbroken after it was too late. Costa then helped his wife back into bed and easily laid down beside her and gave her a gentle kiss on her forehead, and told her goodnight and he loved her very much...she slowly grabbed his hand and entwined her fingers with his and told him goodnight and that she loved him right back...then they both went to sleep assured that everything was just fine with their little bun in the oven.

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